Page 7 of Double Dare

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"Sure thing."

"Still on for the gym next week?"

Abby raked the comb through her hair. "Absolutely, at least their air conditioning works."

Caroline chuckled. "You're right and it's just as well." She plucked the top off her lip liner. "I expect you'll be glad you don't have to work with Penny any more." The words popped from her mouth as if they could no longer be retained, despite the fact she was assaulting herself with the lip liner at the time.

Abby looked up, surprised. She usually avoided office allegiances and gossip as far as possible, but she was made curious by Caroline's comment.

"Penny's a good assistant. I always felt I could rely on her." She watched Caroline's face in the mirror. "I'll be sorry to lose her contribution to the team, but she'll be valued on the Pascal account, I'm sure."

Caroline gave a sad, knowing smile. "She wanted your job, you know. It won't be long until she's after Ed's...she's always had an eye for the main chance."

"Ah, well, ambition is a quality both valued and scorned. It all depends how you go about these things." Abby winked.

"You're so right." She paused. "But watch out for her, and don't let misplaced trust be your downfall."

Caroline's words followed her as she returned to her office. Misplaced trust?

They were indeed a driven, ambitious lot and that showed itself in many colors, good and bad. She'd always tried to maintain a life outside of it, to keep her feet on the ground. To keep her balanced.

A life outside of this.

She slid open her drawer and lifted the card the wolf-smile man had given her. She'd wanted him as soon as she'd seen him. She wondered what his name was. Aside from hanging out by reception hoping he'd call by again, there was only one thing to do: hunt him down. And he'd left her bait. She was going to take it. But first, some research.

She picked up the phone and tapped in the number for her friend, Marcy, who also happened to be up on what went on in London at any given moment.

The answer machine clicked on after two rings. Marcy's indolent tone rang out. "I'm either out enjoying myself, asleep or in the bathroom, please leave your message now."

Abby started leaving a message and was interrupted by a lazy hello and a long yawn. "Sorry, honey, didn't make it out of bed in time. Heavy night. How you doing?"

"Doing good, but I'm straining at the leash, how about you?"

"That's what I like to hear, can't have you getting all stuffy in that high-tech business world of yours."

"Not going to happen, and you know it. Listen, I was wondering if you'd heard anything about a new alternative arts venue on the north side. It's called The Hub."

Abby could make out the sound of coffee being poured at the other end of the line.

"Doesn't ring any bells with me."

"And there was me thinking with your connections..."

"Ha. Would you be referring to my connections as a photographer and media pundit, or my other connections?"

Abby spun her chair to look out the window. "Don't be coy, Marcy. It doesn't suit you."

"You're right there. So you're getting used to the idea that I walk on the dark side?"

"What a sense of humor. It took a little time, but yes. It's not every day your best friend of fifteen years announces she's bisexual."

"At least you didn't assume I was going to pounce in your undies." Marcy's tone was rueful. Some of her friends hadn't been so understanding.

"I'm heartbroken that you didn't try, Marcy."

"Don't tease. If I thought you were interested in women that way I could show you plenty of ways to loosen up after all that brokerage." She stressed the word. Marcy hated anything to do with figures, claimed it gave her a headache.

"I bet you could." Abby chuckled. Somehow teasing each other about it had made it okay. Odd, but true.

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