Page 90 of Commit To Violence

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"I want you to know that I’m sorry for letting things get so out of control with Rain."

"You should be. You shoulda known what she was doin’. Shit, I knew Rain was dealin’. I didn’t know it was on that level or that she was buying from Stark. But you should have. I told you once before, you need to know everything that’s goin’ on in the organization you’re runnin’. But you let that young pussy blind you to who Rain really was."

"You’re right, I did." Nick started to walk away, but then he stopped. "Wanda told you about us?"

"What’s up with that?"

"She was lookin’ for me while I was tryin’ to get on top of this thing with Rain. She wanted to know what I was doin’ and who I was with. I know you didn’t want Wanda to know anything about your deal with Stark and Angelo, so—"

"So you kept your mouth shut and let Wanda believe what she wanted to believe."

"Which was the truth; I was fuckin’ Rain and it cost me."

"I’d talk to her, but I don’t think it would do much good at this point," Black told Nick and signaled for CeCe and Victor to come back. "I appreciate you takin’ a hit like that. But losin’ Wanda over Rain Robinson is the consequence of your actions. You just gotta man-up now and accept it," Black said as he opened the car door for CeCe.

Black and CeCe got in the back seat and Victor drove away. As they drove away, Black thought about Carmen Taylor.

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