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I locked the bathroom door and unlatched the cabinet. I retrieved one of the syringes Dr. Jones had given me and tapped the top before jamming it into my thigh. I pushed the plunger all the way to the end, trying not to tense up at the stinging heat that shot through my leg. Only a couple more, and I’d be done with the injections.

“Hey, I’m headed to work.” Lennon knocked on the door.

“I’ll be in film review all day. See you tonight.” I wrapped the syringe in a wad of tissue and threw it in the trashcan. I pulled open the door.

“Oh, hey.”

“Hey.” I grinned at her.

“I guess this is the part where we won’t get to see each other much. Maybe I should just stay at my place this week. Would that be easier?”

“No. That would not be easier. Even if I get in at midnight, I can still curl up to your naked body.”

“Who said I’m going to be naked?”

I tilted her chin toward me. “I want you naked and waiting for me when I get home.”

Her eyes flared. “And you think I’ll do that? Wait around for you with nothing on? Completely stripped? My skin clinging to your sheets?” She bit on her lower lip, and I knew she was teasing me.

“You know the rules in this room.” I growled in her ear, my cock hardening at the thought of her crawling in my bed naked. Her perfect ass bare. Her tits exposed. My hand slid under her shirt, working up under her bra.

She sighed as I rubbed her nipple with the pad of my thumb. It peaked under my touch. “You’re killing me, Doc. I need you. Now,” I growled.

“I have a surgery this morning. You have to stop.” She backed away and straightened her shirt.

“And I have hours of film to watch.” I hung my head, fighting off the need to take her. She was irresistible. She was like a drug. One touch wasn’t enough. One kiss wasn’t enough.

“Can’t promise I’ll be up when you get home, but I do promise to be naked.” She kissed me, and I slapped her on the ass.

“See you tonight, then.”

“Forgot my coffee,” she mumbled and rushed to the kitchen.

I followed her. “Hey, Lennon. I wanted to ask you something.”

She pulled a thermal cup from the cabinet. “What is it?”

I scratched the back of my head. As if last Sunday wasn’t enough of a first with my parents, this was going to be another zinger. “I want you to fly up to D.C. with me for the game Sunday.”

She fastened the lid and spun to look at me. “You want me to go to the playoff game?”

I’d never taken a woman on the road. I’d never wanted to. Never needed to. There were always women in whatever city we played. But looking ahead to Sunday, I didn’t want to leave Lennon behind. I wanted her with me wherever I was.

“Yeah, thought it’d be fun.”

“But your mom said you couldn’t be distracted. And besides, they’re going. I don’t think your dad is my biggest fan.”

“Don’t worry about them. You already knew my dad was an ass. I want you there with me. We’ll have our own suite.”

“But don’t you have to stay with the team?”

“Well, yeah. Team hotel, but it’s not like I have a roommate. I’m the QB. I promise you’ll love it. I’ll fly you up on Saturday.”

She did that nervous thing where she clicked her fingers against the counter. “You sure? D.C.?”

“I’m positive. I want you there. I liked having you in my box.”

“All right. I’d love to go.” She picked up her keys. “I’ve gotta go. I’m late.”

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