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“Stop, London. It’s on my list. I’m going to do fine.” No doubt he would ace an exam in seduction, but how could he pass a history exam like this?

“Ok. But let me at least walk with you to class?” I clasped my hands around his waist and pulled him closer to me.

“Ok, movie star. You can walk with me, but that means we have to leave this dark room, and I don’t think I’m ready to do that.” I yielded to him as his lips crushed mine.

Ok, we could stay a few more minutes.

Walking with Beau across campus, I felt like everyone was watching us. It was probably because his attempt to walk in a straight line was failing miserably. I had to keep from giggling, and from grabbing him in front of everyone.

“What did I miss with the nutty professor today?” Beau was focused on the brick pavement under his feet.

“A new theory. The usual.” I decided this was not the time to talk to him about Professor Garcia’s request. He needed every functioning brain cell to remember what happened during World War II. I wasn’t going to cloud his thoughts with this problem. I could do that later.

He stopped in front of Hamilton Hall. “Wish me luck.” He smiled and I recognized the heated look in his eyes. He leaned toward me.

“Beau.” I darted back, so his lips missed mine. I eyed the students walking past us.

“Oh yeah. The secret.” He held his finger to his lips. “It’s hard not to kiss you, you know?”

I smiled. I did know. His lips were all I could think about. “Good luck on your drunk exam.” I waved as he tried not to stumble up the stairs. “I’ll meet you here when you’re finished.”

I looked at my phone. I had plenty of time to stop by the theater before his exam was over. I was sure Nina would need my help with costumes. We hadn’t had a chance to catch up since spring break. I would do my best to avoid made-up grandparent stories.

“London! You’re here.” Candace and Nina squealed in unison. I felt like I had missed out on an important roommate memo seeing the girls together in the basement. I walked over to join them on the couch.

“What are you working on?”

“Did Derek call you?” Nina looked concerned.

“No, why?”

My roommates exchanged nervous glances. “Well, he decided to cancel Winged Angst. He wrote something completely new over spring break.” Nina broke the news.

“Is he crazy?” This was unheard of. Derek might be a creative genius, but this was taking things too far.

Candace stood and handed me a copy of the play. I read the title out loud. “Betray Me.” I looked at my friends. “Are you two ok with this?”

Before Nina answered, I knew exactly what her answer would be. She would throw her full support behind anything Derek suggested. “It’s really good, London. Just read it.”

“But we already started promoting Winged Angst and we rehearsed it. Shouldn’t we get to vote or something?” I thought about all of the hours I had wasted on a play that wouldn’t see the stage. Nights I had missed watching Love Match with Beau, dates I had to skip, hours I wasn’t making my final Carolina memories, moments I couldn’t get back.

“Derek was worried you might be upset, but he says this part is perfect for you. Better than Winged Angst.” Nina was still playing the role of Derek expert. “Really, he said he was going to call you.”

“I think I’ll pass.” I handed the script back to Candace, who took it reluctantly.

“What? You’re kidding, right?” Nina was visibly shocked.

It was a slow surge, but I felt the confidence in my decision spread through my body and root in my heart. “No. It’s not a joke. I’m going to focus on other things for the rest of the semester. Things not related to Encore.”

“What other things? Beau and your fake dates?”

I had to tread lightly. I had promised Beau I wouldn’t breathe a word to either of the girls. “I do have the project and the rehearsals interfere with the dates, but that’s not all. I want to do something else before I graduate. I’ve been buried in this basement for four years. I only have five weeks until the end of the semester; I need more than this.”

I thought Candace might start crying. “London, but we need you. You’re the lead actress. This is what you do; we’re counting on you.”

“Maybe if Derek hadn’t scrapped Winged Angst, but I can’t imagine starting over right now.” They were disappointed, but I knew I was freeing myself. I had to do it. “Candace, you have Pearce, and Nina you are all tied up with Derek and whatever play he is working on. Don’t you think I deserve to have something else too?”

Nina was relentless. “Does that mean something is going on w

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