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“She was living here and moved,” he says. “It’s quite possible she left and isn’t coming back.”

“I feel a little guilty over the appeal I find in her leaving my temporary job behind. I guess there’s a part of me that just wants to stay close to my mom, when I know that’s insanity. My job really is a dream job. And if my mother thought for one minute I stayed for her, she’d be upset.”

“There’s nothing wrong with putting family first,” he says. “I’m here because Bella is here.” He catches my hand and walks me to him. “And I’m fairly certain your mother will think you stayed for me, cupcake.” There’s warmth in his voice and eyes and I’m both confused and terrifyingly pleased he’s even touched this territory.

“Because you just had to call me cupcake. You knew what that would do.”

“Yes,” he says. “I did. And I plan to keep calling you cupcake while eating as many of those waffles as she’ll make me.”

This seems like a good time to remind him that neither of us does the whole forever thing, but I don’t. And I tell myself it’s because a nickname and a few waffles do not make a forever relationship.


Half an hour after leaving Dash at the airport, I pull into the parking garage of the Hawk Legal building and exit the car. It’s a warm day, much warmer than the days before this one, which is good since I still don’t have my coat. Another fancy sports car pulls in next to me but I don’t wait to compare engines. I’m just glad the one I’m driving has one. I hurry to the building, and the impatient side of me that doesn’t want to wait on the slow-ass elevator, decides to take the stairs to the lobby. A few minutes later, I’m on another elevator and headed to my floor.

I’m still early enough to beat the receptionist filling in for Katie and I settle behind my desk. I’ve been working a few minutes when Katie walks into my office and sets a cup on my desk. “I thought you might like that. How did the party go Friday night?”

“It was—interesting. I did get some donation promises so we’ll see if they come through.”

The phone on my desk buzzes. “My office, Ms. Wright.”

The formal command comes from none other than Tyler. I punch the reply button, “On my way, boss.”

I release the button and Katie’s eyes go wide. “What was that?”

“We had a little issue Friday night.” I stand up. “You should probably wish me luck.”

She pushes to her feet. “Please tell me you’re not about to leave.”

“I’ll work on the auction until it’s done,” I say, avoiding a more direct reply. “I’ll check-in with you after the meeting.” I head to the door and leave her gaping after me.

Nerves erupt in my belly, but my backbone is stiff. Dash is right. I don’t need this job. My savings balance would like me to keep it, but it’s not necessary. The truth is, staying here until January isn’t even necessary either. I just want to stay. I cross the lobby and the elevator bank to enter Tyler’s own lobby. This time there’s a pretty blonde behind the desk who I assume to be his assistant.

“You must be Allison,” she says. “Go on back.”

I nod and do just that, marching to Tyler’s office. The door is open and I walk inside. His gaze lifts and he drops his pen. “Come in and shut the door.”

I inhale and do as he says, shutting the door, and crossing to sit in a chair across from him.

“Nice car you rode in with this morning, Ms. Wright. It looks a bit like the one my client Dash Black drives. You are aware that we have a strict policy against dating clients?”

I refuse to be rattled. I didn’t read that in the paperwork and I actually did read the documents. “My personal life is my personal life. Which is why my father showing up at your business event wasn’t expected.”

“He’s been told to stand down.”

I laugh and not with humor. “And you think my father will listen?”

“I told you—”

“You’re Tyler Hawk, god of all rich and powerful people?”

A muscle in his jaw tics. “I told him to stand down. I suggest you do the same.”

He’s right, I know. He’s my boss. He deserves respect. I draw in a breath and say, “I’m sorry. It’s bad between us and the bad is recent. And he’s a manipulator. You have to see that.”

“I do,” he agrees. “And for the record, I had no idea who you were when I hired you. I hired you, not your father.”

My anger is instantly deflated. “Thank you for saying that.”

“It’s the truth. As I told you, I am a great many things, Ms. Wright. One of them is not a liar.”

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