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“After school one day, I got into it with him. I don’t even remember what it was about exactly, but somehow he ended up with a bloody nose and a hole the size of a golf ball in his jeans. Made me feel good. He wasn’t so pretty anymore, but even now I can picture the look of terror in his eyes because he knew…”

Pinpricks of cold rolled over her skin as Lily stared at Jake. “What did he know?” she whispered.

Jake struggled. Her friend—this big tough guy—struggled with his memory, and Lily wanted to be sick.

“At school the next day, we were changing for gym class. I was still on him, ya know? Still not into this new kid who only had to smile and everyone else was ready to lay down for him. I was jealous I suppose, jealous that Cain and Jesse were willing to let him in. God, I was such a little prick. I got in his face, I taunted him, and he exploded. He gave it right back to me, and in the process of giving me exactly what I deserved, I tugged his shirt off and…”

Jake’s voice was raspy, full of emotion.

“He’d been beaten. Badly. With a belt. He had the nastiest bruises and welts…I can’t even describe them. They crisscrossed his back. Some were yellowed, like they’d been there for a while, but there were several that were red and raw and nasty.”

“Oh my God,” Lily whispered, her heart breaking for this little boy that lived inside the man she loved.

“Mac got up off the floor, threw his shirt back on, and left. We never really talked about it after that—not even when he started coming over, spending the night at our place.” Jake looked at Lily, his expression fierce. “What kind of man does that to his kid?”

“A monster.”

“Yeah,” Jake replied. “A monster.”

Silence fell between the two of them, and Lily hugged her knees as she gazed out the window into the rain. There was pain in her chest, a tightening that stretched across her body and settled in her heart. She thought of Lila Draper and she got angry. And then she got sad. So, so sad.

Her heart broke for this family that was damaged—for this man who was shaped by the sins of his parents.

“I’ve got to get to work,” Jake said abruptly.

“Okay,” Lily said as she slipped out of her chair and followed him to the front door. “How is…where is he?”

Jake pulled his boots on and glanced up at her. “He’s sleeping it off at my place.”

“Do you think I should go to him?”

Jake shrugged. “I don’t know, Lily. He’s not in a good place right now, and if I’ve learned anything over the years when it comes to Mackenzie, it’s that he lashes out when he feels cornered. He might need some space.”

“Oh,” she said, unable to stop her bottom lip from trembling.

“Hey,” Jake murmured, pulling her into a hug. “It will be fine. Just give him a bit of time.”

“I love him,” she blurted and froze when she felt Jake tense up.

“What?” Jake loosened his hold and stared down at her.

“I love him,” she said simply. Jesus, she’d said it out loud.

Jake was silent for a few seconds. “Does he know?”

She shook her head. “No.” She paused. “Should I tell him? Should I go over to your place and tell him right now?”

Jake’s dark eyes softened a bit. “I’d give him some room. At least for a day or two. Let him get this out of his system.”

“Okay.” It wasn’t what she wanted to hear, but Jake knew Mackenzie better than anyone, and she had to trust that his advice was golden.

“It will work out, Lily. Mac is crazy about you. I’ve never seen him like this with a woman, but he needs to get to where you are on his own.”

Lily took a step back. “I know. I’m sure it will be fine.” She pushed at him. “You better get to work.”

She closed the door behind Jake and leaned against it, unable to stop the flow of tears that streamed down her face. She cried for a long time—so long that her legs cramped and she sank to the floor.

She cried so long that her cheeks stung from the salt and her eyes puffed out. She cried for a little boy who’d never had a chance.

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