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‘I know it’s a cruise ship. And I’m a doctor.’

‘You’re a stunning, educated, newly single doctor,’ he corrected. ‘And you must know the reputation cruise ships have for bed-hopping. Among staff just as much as among the passengers. Sometimes even more so.’

It was insane how his words instantly threw out a series of images of Nikhil bed-hopping. And even more insane how her body balked against them. As if it actually mattered to her.

‘I thought you said you didn’t bed-hop.’ She tried not to sound so prim, but failed.

‘I never mentioned my private life on board.’ He arched his eyebrows, giving her the oddest impression that he could read her every naughty thought. ‘I merely said I’d never brought a date to this restaurant.’

Fire scorched through her cheeks. ‘Oh.’

‘But, for what it’s worth, I don’t.’ She didn’t know why he’d suddenly relented. ‘I try to keep my private life quite distinct from my role as ship’s officer.’

It said rather too much, in Isla’s mind, that they were the words she’d wanted to hear. She straightened her shoulders. ‘As I intend to do.’

He laughed again. ‘The difference is, Little Doc, that you’re already inviting speculation the moment they see that faded mark around your finger.’

‘Well, I won’t answer it.’

‘You’ll have to; they won’t let it go because it’s too juicy a story. The heartbroken new doc.’

‘I don’t want to be a juicy story, and I’m not heartbroken.’

‘Aren’t you?’ He sounded genuinely curious. ‘Your engagement has broken down and suddenly you’re a doctor on a cruise ship heading around the world. Like you’re running away.’

Indignation fired up her spine. ‘I’m not running away.’

Was she?

‘Is that so?’ he asked, then lifted his shoulders. ‘Well, ships are such odd environments. Some might say we’re tight-knit cities, others would say we’re just living in each other’s pockets. Either way, there are never really any secrets, and people are always in everyone else’s business.’


‘Meaning that I can already see some well-meaning colleagues trying to set you up with all and sundry, just to get you over your heartbreak.’

‘I told you...’

‘You’re not heartbroken,’ he finished. ‘Yes, I heard. But I don’t imagine that will stop them.’

‘God, that’s just like my mother.’ Isla rolled her eyes. ‘She’s equally well-intentioned, but it doesn’t make it any less irritating. She’s always on about me having a rebound fling. If I hadn’t told her that I was on a date with a First Officer, then she already had a blind date set up for me.’

If he was surprised that she’d suddenly mentioned her mother when she’d told him that afternoon that she was with friends then he didn’t show it.

‘So you’re only with me to dodge your mother? I’m flattered,’ he drawled, not looking in the least concerned. ‘Anyway, I thought this wasn’t a date?’

‘Is isn’t.’ She stumbled over her words.

Why did she keep making that mistake?

‘Shame—’ another wicked smile played on his lips, toying with them and simultaneously pulling at something low in her belly ‘—I don’t think I’d have minded you using me to get over whoever he was.’

Desire seeped through her. At this point she wasn’t entirely sure she’d have minded that either.

‘Anyway...’ she began, trying to change the subject before her mind went blank.

She was almost relieved when Hernandez came with the next course of the tasting menu.

‘Wow, this smells incredible.’

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