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“If you’re so sure he’s going there, why not snatch him off the road?” Black said.

“I know how you men like to break things,” Donatella interjected. “But let’s not make this any harder than it is. Unless this is very different from the clubs I’ve been to, beautiful women don’t need a membership. I’ll go in, strike up a conversation with the prince, and he’ll invite me to a hotel. Then it’s just a matter of a quick jab with a needle.”

“I don’t think that’s going to work,” Claudia said.

“Why not?”

“Because while you’re right about beautiful women getting around the membership rules, those women tend to be half your age.”

Rapp tensed, but the ice pick stayed in Donatella’s designer purse. Instead she just waved a hand dismissively. “Bland children.”

She was right, Rapp knew. No one was going for some gangly kid if Donatella Rahn was showing them attention. Unfortunately, there was no way in hell he could say that out loud.

“I don’t like the idea of you going in alone,” he offered instead.

She reached back and put a hand on his knee, a move that was undoubtedly intended to get Claudia’s attention. And, based on her expression, it worked.

“Maybe you should come in with me, Mitch. It would be like old times.”

“I believe Donatella’s plan to be a reasonable one,” Azarov said. “But with one change. It should be me, not Mitch, who goes with her. The clientele of Terry’s includes a lot of people in the extraction industry. It won’t be long before someone appears that I know. When they do, I can just go in with them.”

“I’m not convinced,” Claudia said. “Based on my research, the women bin Musaid’s been involved with tend to be a lot younger and a lot blonder.”

“Probably less Jewish, too,” Donatella said. “It’s not a problem.”


“What are we arguing about?” Black said, unintentionally bailing Rapp out. “There isn’t going to be a guy in there that wouldn’t cut his left nut off to get Donatella in the sack. This is a no-brainer.”

“And if you’re wrong?” Claudia asked.

“Then we’ll move on to plan B,” Rapp said. “But I don’t see any drawbacks here. If Donatella blows it, she and Grisha have a couple of drinks and we go home.”

“How are we going to cover . . .” Her voice faded at the sound of vehicles roaring up to the front of the church. Everyone got to their feet, and Black went for the door.

“Claudia, you’re going out the back,” Rapp said. “Donatella, go with her.”

“What are you talking about?” Donatella protested. “I—”

“Shut up! I’m holding you personally responsible for Claudia’s safety. Are you listening? Do you understand what I’m saying?”

She frowned and looked over at the younger woman. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to your little French girl.”

By the time he and Azarov entered the main section of the church, Black was already unlocking the main doors. He started to pull one back and it was immediately shoved inward with enough force to almost knock him off his feet. A flood of locals in dirty fatigues rushed in, spreading out and aiming their assault rifles in what seemed to be random directions. They were smart enough to worry about potential threats, but too young and poorly trained to know where to look for them.

A few moments later, a more senior man in slightly less grimy camo entered. He was obviously in charge but had the look of someone who had gained his rank by being older and more brutal than the children he led instead of being more competent. Either way, his ragtag troops were clearly afraid of him. While their guns had settled on Rapp, Azarov, and Black, their attention remained on their commander.

“NaNomi!” Black said after he’d regained his balance. “Great to see you! How’s Abdo doing? They tell me he has a touch of malaria.”

“He heard you met with Kariem,” the African said. “That you are going to stop selling us guns.”

“Why would I do that? You’re my best customer and Kariem’s an asshole. I’ve got you guys covered like always.”

“Then I want to buy.”

Black let out a low whistle. “My inventory’s wiped out right now. But I have a shipment coming in soon, and when I do, you’ll be the first guy I call.”

The African grabbed Black by the hair and yanked his head back. Rapp moved his hand subtly toward the gun beneath his shirt but didn’t reach for it. In his peripheral vision he saw Azarov do the same.

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