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King slammed his hand on the table. “Everyone shut the fuck up and let me goddamn talk,” he thundered.

“Somebody get that man a Snickers,” Greta called.

“Stop being hangry,” Meg scolded.

King closed his eyes, and I felt the mood of the room change.

“The next person who talks that is not me is going to be kicked out of the club, and they will never step foot inside the clubhouse again. Got it?” King opened his eyes and looked around the two tables. “Marco and two of his men are going to Destin. They are also taking Grit with them. The exchange should be easy and simple. Marco gives Meeks what he wants, and then, they get the girl. None of us can leave town, so this is the way it has to be.” King glared at me. “I swear to God, if I wake up tomorrow and your ass has decided to be a tough chick and run to Florida to save your friend, I will not come after you, and no one in this clubhouse will either. Understand?”

I blinked twice and nodded. I wasn’t supposed to talk, right? I may not be part of the club, but if I was going to be with Frost, I didn’t think I wanted to get myself banned from entering the clubhouse.

“Marco said he can’t leave until tomorrow. He’s bending over backward to help us and has to tie up a few loose ends before he can jet-set across the country on an errand for us.”

Zag raised his hand.

King glared at him. “No.”

Zag slowly lowered his hand and nodded.

Whatever his question was, the answer was no, and he accepted that.

Shit, I had a question. Shit.

I raised my hand.

Everyone turned to look at me.

I wasn’t going to risk talking. It was a simple question, and I think it had a simple answer.

I shook my hands together and gave a huge smile. I separated my hands and set one on the table and the other I waved across the air.

King stared at me.

How the hell was I going to ask him if Royal was coming back with Marco or if she was going to stay in Destin?

I rounded my hands in front of my stomach like I was pregnant. They had to know what that was, right? Then, I pointed to the front door.

Fuck. I was not good at charades.

“She’s coming back with Marco,” King barked.

For the umptieth time, my jaw dropped. I tapped my nose and smiled. He understood me.

Frost held his head in his hand and silently laughed.

Hey, I got my question answered, and I didn’t have to say a word.

“You can go now. Eat and stay out of my hair.”

I plastered a smile on my face and stood. I bowed with my hands in front of me and then skedaddled my ass over to the kitchen.

“Did you just bow to King?” Cyn barked with laughter. “You’re gonna give that man a complex, and then he’s gonna expect all of us to bow to him.”

“Not happening,” Meg called. “That man gets me on my knees enough. Not bowing to his cranky ass, too.”

“Oh, God,” Luna moaned. “Please don’t refer to your knees and King in the same sentence ever again. I have virgin ears.”

“Is there a different definition of virgin than the one I know?” Greta asked. “Dead serious.”

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