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Two hours after that, I walked out of the bedroom a whole hell of a lot happier, and with my butt a pretty shade of pink.


Chapter Sixteen


“It’s almost nine o’clock,” Indiana complained.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

She swatted me on the shoulder. “In three hours, it’s not going to be today anymore, and Royal won’t be here.”

“You gotta have patience, darlin’. Marco didn’t give us an exact time of when he would be here,” I reasoned.

“Well, why not?” she whined. “Even mob bosses should have consideration for people's times.”

“She’ll be here soon, sweetie.” Mom reached over and patted Indiana’s hand. “Just try not to think about it.”

Mom had taken to Indiana pretty fast. Not that I really expected anything different, but it was nice to not have to worry about the two of them meeting anymore.

Dad dealt out the cards and placed the remaining ones in the middle of the table.

After breakfast, a little workout in the bedroom, and then just hanging around the clubhouse all day, Indiana was at the end of her rope waiting for Royal to walk through the door.

King had only gotten one update from Marco, and that was when he was on the plane to pick up Royal. Nothing since then.

“You remember when Marley was kidnapped?” Meg reminisced.

“Ah, the good ol’ days,” Rigid laughed from behind the bar. “When you got kidnapped, you knew the reason and didn’t have to guess why.”

Cyn picked up her cards and laughed. “And then after Marley was rescued, somehow Marley got trapped in the bathroom drunk and trying to sober up with a whole pot of coffee while Troy was in the kitchen demanding to know where she was.”

“Only you two would get someone drunk that early in the day and think it was hilarious.” Troy stood behind Cyn and looked at her cards.

“Would you get away from me?” Cyn shooed her hand over her head. “God knows you’re probably giving hand motions to Gambler to help him win.” She held her hands close to her chest and stuck her tongue out at Gambler. “You shouldn’t be allowed to play with us amateurs.”

“Why not? You guys make poker interesting,” Gambler chuckled. “It’s not every day I get to sit down at the table with someone of your caliber.” Gambler winked and grabbed the cards in front of him.

“You just winked!’ Cyn shouted. “You can’t wink in poker. That was a total signal to Troy.”

“I would never cheat,” Troy swore. He wrinkled his nose and held up two fingers.

Gambler smirked. “All right, how many do you want?” he asked Cyn.

She placed three of her cards on the table. “Three because you dealt me a shit hand, and I’m planning to wipe the floor with your ass.”

Gambler slid three cards her way. “How about you, Indy? How many cards do you want?”

Indiana wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve got good cards, but could they be better?”

“You’re not supposed to talk out loud, darlin’. Sort of defeats the whole game,” Troy laughed.

“Or you could just have Troy stand over your shoulder and help Gambler cheat,” Cyn muttered.

Troy shrugged. “Then you might as well fold right now, Cyn, because you don’t have shit.”

“Troy!” Cyn screeched. “How is this fair?” She slapped her cards down on the table and folded her arms over her chest. “I demand a redo.”

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