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I pulled out my phone and tried Royal again. If I could just talk to her and find out what exactly was going on, everything would be okay.

The phone rang and rang until her recorded voice sounded. “Dammit, Royal,” I cried, “I need you to answer the phone, honey. I need to know you’re okay. I just don’t know what to do right now.” I swallowed down the sob crawling up my throat and closed my eyes. “Call me, Royal,” I whispered.

I ended the call and tossed the phone on my bed. Well, my bed for now. I wasn’t sure whose room I was in or who the bed had once belonged to. Things had happened so suddenly, and we were all just thrown wherever we fit.

The small apartment I loved was now empty, and I didn’t know when I would ever be able to step foot in it again.

Ugh. My life was a mess.

On top of everything going on with me here, I now needed to save Royal and her unborn baby.

I flopped down on the bed and sighed.

Sleep now, and tomorrow, I start figuring shit out. Somehow.


Chapter Four


“You know, the one thing I miss with all the moms being gone is someone making us breakfast.” Pie grabbed two boxes of cereal and set them on the table in front of me. “Also, someone needs to go grocery shopping. These are the last boxes in the pantry.”

I grabbed the box of cinnamon toasties and filled my bowl. “I’m sure one of the girls must know how to cook.” Indiana did, but I wasn’t about to tell Pie that. I knew he would be on her hot and heavy if he found that out.

Pie shook his head. “I asked. Not one of them said they can make more than a bowl of cereal or toast.”

I shrugged and poured milk over the cereal. “I guess toast and cereal is better than nothing.”

He plopped down next to me. “Bro, I don’t think cereal qualifies as cooking.”

“We got food and shit in the freezer. Someone just needs to make it.” Not that I was going to be the one to do it. Or Indiana.

“We ate all of the meals Meg made for us before she left,” Pie grumbled.

“Coffee,” Reva mumbled behind me. “Need coffee.”

Pie shot up and blocked her path to the coffee maker. “Only if you cook us something other than cereal.”

“Bro,” Hero called. “Did you just demand for my girl to make you breakfast?”

Pie shrugged. “I’m a desperate man, Hero. I can’t live on cereal and pizza alone.”

“How about you learn to cook for yourself and leave my girl out of it?” Hero ran his fingers through his hair and pulled Reva to his side. “Now, you can pour her a cup of coffee while she sits down and relaxes.”

Reva rolled her eyes and pushed away from Hero. “Thank you for defending my honor, but nothing stands between me and coffee. Not even Pie.”

She moved toward Pie, her arm raised to slug him in the shoulder, and then she quick moved like she was going to punch him in the nuts. Pie flinched and crouched to protect himself.

“Psych…” Reva laughed. She stepped around him, not laying a finger on him, and grabbed the coffee pot. “Amateur,” she laughed.

“Bro, taken down by a chick,” Hero laughed.

Reva pointed a finger at Hero. “You better have taken notes. Don’t mess with me when it comes to coffee.”

Hero held up his hands. “You got nothing to worry about when it comes to that. I need my coffee just as much as you do.”

A couple of girls milled around by the couch in the common area while Reva poured Hero a cup of coffee. They both sat down at the table.

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