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“Well, duh,” Royal laughed.

“So, instead of walking home on foot, these two idiots decide they are going to find an outlet to charge their hoverboards and keep going to the gas station.” Marco shook his head. “I still wonder if your mom dropped you two on your heads.”

Zig raised his fist in the air. “I was determined to have a Moon Pie, brother. Nothing was going to keep me away from that goodness.”

Marco rolled his eyes. “These idiots knock on every door around them until a little old lady decided to take pity on them. They go in, plug in their hoverboards, and then promptly fall asleep.”

“Hey,” Zag called. “In our defense, it was one of Ethel’s friends, and she fed us beef and noodles while we waited. We were basically in a food coma and passed out.”

“I don’t think you could have said anything more Midwest,” I laughed. “Fell into a food coma because you ate too much beef and noodles.” Sometimes you couldn’t help the Midwest from falling from your lips.

“And you didn’t think at all that you should have let me know you were leaving or where you were?” Marco drawled. He tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair and glared at Zag.

Zag shrugged. “Looking back, it probably would have been the right thing to do, but we were young and dumb.”

“And now you’re just dumb,” Frost laughed.

“I could sit around for hours and listen to all of the stories you guys have,” Royal sighed.

Marco patted her leg. “Some of those stories aren’t meant for normal people to hear.”

“To the grave,” Zig cheered.

“What?” Royal asked. “What does ‘to the grave’ mean?”

Royal looked at each of us, but we all shook our heads.

She turned to Demon. “What is going on?”

Demon shrugged. “I’m as clueless as you are, doll, but I’m okay with that. I’m sure it’s some crazy ass thing they did when they were young and they can’t say anything until the statute of limitations is up.”

Zag tapped his nose. “Ding, ding.”

Royal looked at Marco. “Is that true?”

He shrugged and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I can let you know in seventeen months.”

Royal’s jaw dropped. “Shut up. You have to tell me what it is,” she demanded.

Marco lifted her in his arms and stood. “Thanks for putting everything together guys,” Marco called. He strode out the door with Royal demanding to know what secret we all had.

Zig clucked his tongue. “He better not say a word to her.”

I shook my head. “Marco is the last one who would talk. Chill out.”

“Do I want to know what you five are talking about?” Demon asked. He really had no idea what we were talking about. Few people did.

“We were young and dumb,” I replied.

Demon tipped his head to the side. “Well, if Zig and Zag were involved, I’m sure it was something pretty dumb.”

“Slightly offended, Father,” Zag drawled.

Frost waved his hand. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s nothing, but you can’t tell me what it is until you can’t get arrested for it,” Demon laughed and shook his head. “Let’s get the hell out of here. I built enough furniture today.”

We all filed out of the nursery and down the stairs.

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