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Chapter Twenty-Three



Ransom looked down at the yearbooks in his hands. “Uh, why?” he asked Bristol.

She shrugged and held out her hand. “I just have a feeling. I know I have to be missing something.”

Ransom glanced at me, and I shrugged. It wasn’t going to hurt anything to have Bristol page through them.

“You didn’t look through the ones that have been at the clubhouse?” I asked.

Bristol grabbed the yearbook from Ransom and sat down on the couch. “I haven’t had time to actually get over there.” She opened the yearbook and slowly paged through it. “Cooking at Wyndemere takes up more time than you would think. Pie has been staying there with me for the most part.”

“I do not want to hear about you and my brother shacking up,” Luna called from the kitchen.

Greta was upstairs getting dressed while Meg, Luna, and Indiana were in the kitchen. They had brought over three dozen donuts and had told Ransom and me to lay off them until all other girls had one.

Ransom was annoyed with the stereotype, and I thought it was hilarious.

A knock sounded on the door, and Ransom opened it to King, Rigid, and Demon.

They walked in, and their eyes traveled around.

“Uh, what’s up?” Ransom asked.

“We were just checking to see if Zag was here,” King muttered.

“Zig said he hasn’t seen Zag since yesterday.” Rigid moved into the kitchen and talked quietly to Meg, Luna, and Indiana.

“What do you mean you can’t find him?” I asked. It didn’t seem too surprising that Zag’s brother hadn’t seen him in a few hours. It was still only nine in the morning, and there were at least ten reasons I could think of off the top of my head for why Zag had bailed.

“He was supposed to meet Zig and Frost at the clubhouse last night to go over the monthly inventory of the shop, but he never showed,” Demon explained. “He’s not answering his phone, and his bike is still at the clubhouse.”

Now that was a little out of the ordinary. “He have a girlfriend?” I asked.

Demon shrugged. “Not anything worth noting. I think he messes with a couple of patch bunnies, but that’s it.”

Greta jogged down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. “There are not enough donuts for all of you,” she muttered.

“You talk to Zag lately?” King asked.

Greta scrunched up her nose. “No. Why?”

I reached for her hand and pulled her to my side.

“We can’t locate him,” Rigid said simply.

Greta looked up at me. “Put Bear on it. That’s his specialty of finding people, though I’m sure Zag is just shacked up in some girl’s bed and sleeping off a bender.”

“That’s what we are hoping,” King grunted. “Hero and Zig are checking with the chicks they know he was messing with, but we haven’t heard anything yet.”

“I can let the guys on patrol to keep an eye out for him. Unless you want to file a missing person’s report,” Ransom offered.

“I think we’ll giv­–”

“That’s him!” Bristol shouted. “That’s Dr. Douche,” she exclaimed. She held up the yearbook and pointed at a black and white photo. Two teenagers were walking down a hallway, but one was a bit further ahead than the other. You couldn’t even tell if they were walking with each other or just happened to accidently have been in the photo together.

Ransom grabbed the yearbook and stared at the photo. “Are you sure?” he asked.

“Let me look.” Greta stepped in front of me and peered at the photo. “Oh, my God,” she gasped.

“It’s him, right?” Bristol asked.

Greta nodded. “That is him, and the other guy I know, too.”

“Who is it?” I demanded.

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