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“Did you know she’s engaged now?” When Kiki shook her head, Jason chuckled. “It’s weird, but I’m kind of relieved. She seems happy.”

“You seem happy.” Kiki looked at Cassie, who blushed.

Jason beamed, but he sobered as soon as he looked back down at the paperwork before him. “I’d be happier if I could figure out what’s going on here.”

Kiki checked her watch again. “You’ve got two minutes. Walk me through it.”

And so they did. Jason led the charge, with Cassie filling in extra details along the way. Kiki gave them a new perspective on the patients they’d already discussed, but every time they’d find a connection, something else broke the streak.

Neither Jason nor Cassie brought up what happened after they met with Vanessa at the hospital. It was a silent agreement between the two of them that it would be better not to discuss it until they had more tangible evidence. There was no point in telling Kiki a ghost had killed her baby cousin unless they could prove it without the shadow of a doubt.

Kiki looked at her watch again and hoisted her purse higher on her shoulder. “I’m late.”

“At least tell us what you think,” Jason pleaded.

“About what?”

He gestured to the folder. “What do you mean? About all this.”

“It’s a good start.” Kiki’s voice was gentle, but she sounded as confused as Jason. “But this doesn’t tell us anything.”

“It tells us we’re on the right track.” Jason sounded desperate now. “It tells us something is going on at the hospital.”

“You have a pattern,” Kiki said. “But that’s not proof. We’re going to need a lot more than this if we want to take on the entire hospital.”

“I know.” Jason shook his head, as though he were shaking loose the last vestiges of desperate hope he’d been clinging to. “I expected you to see something we didn’t.”

“I’m sorry. Trust me, I want this to be real as much as you do.” For the first time since Cassie had met her, Kiki looked worn. “Then we’d at least have an answer.”

“Go to work.” Jason squared his shoulders, though the determination in his eyes looked forced. “We’ll keep looking.”

Kiki smiled and hugged them both. “Keep me updated, okay? I want to know everything.” Her voice faded as she walked farther from them. “And don’t get into any trouble. I’m not bailing you out again!”

Cassie turned to Jason and gaped. “Again?”

“Long story.” He was smiling, too. “And with luck, you’ll never hear it.”

Cassie gathered the papers from the back of Kiki’s car before they blew away. When she’d secured them back in her purse, she looked up at Jason. “What now?”

He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. “As much as I don’t want to meet the guy, I think we should track down that nurse Vanessa was telling us about.”

“The one who’s been hitting on her?”

“That’s the guy.” Jason started back toward their car. “Someone clearly wanted that one guy dead if they followed him from one hospital to the next. If we can find the connection between that patient and the others, we might crack this wide open.”

Cassie nodded but stayed silent as she got into the car. Part of her wanted them to find what they needed at the other hospital, and the other part felt certain they’d left behind their biggest clue when they walked away from the Ghost Doctor and allowed her to continue stealing souls unchecked.


Jason drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “I don’t like this plan.”

Cassie shrugged. “Doesn’t mean it’s a bad one.”

“I don’t like the idea of you going in there alone.” Jason shook his head. “This guy is a creep.”

“I won’t be alone. He won’t do anything.”

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