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I rolled over and grabbed my phone and fired off a text.

When I was done, his finger lightly played with one of the slim braids that framed my face. "These are so small. It must be a bitch to put in and take out."

I nodded. "I go somewhere and have it done. I have a particular set of skills, but it doesn’t include braiding."

"They're beautiful. You look stunning with them."


His voice was low as he murmured at me, "Hmm?"

"I want you to kiss me."

I watched as his tongue peeked out to touch his bottom lip, and his teeth scraped along, chasing his tongue.

His hand reached up and cupped my face. “You’re fucking beautiful. I saw you in the club, and you were so open but guarded at the same time. The challenge in your eyes was like a beacon. You looked like you were trying to be happy for someone else. And it made me want to know why you were guarded, why you were sad, why you were bothering to pretend for anyone. When you met my gaze, you weren't guarded at all. I could tell you were hurting about something. There was this locked in spark. I felt like I could see you, the real you. I think that for the real you, a club is the last place on earth you wanted to be. Yes, you like to dance, but you'd rather do it at a party with friends than at a loud club full of anonymous strangers. I can see the real you who is scared to disappoint anyone. You are desperate to prove that you belong even though they should be the ones proving they are worthy of you because you are a fucking a queen and I can see it. It's simmering right there. Just under the surface. And every time there's a flare of it, you tamp it down, make it smaller, hide it."

I tried not to shift under the scrutiny and the discomfort. Lachlan King had seen too much, and I wanted to shake him off. I tried to duck my head, but he gently slipped a finger under my chin and tilted my head up so I was meeting his gaze once again. "Don't hide from me now."

I shook my head, blinking tears back. "You don't even know me."

“Oh, I see you. And I’m fucking desperate to touch you.”

I smiled up at him, feeling the odd thrill of having him see me so clearly when nobody else did. "So, are you going to kiss me or not, Mr. King?"

The corner of his lip pulled up in a smirk again, and his gaze dipped to my lips. "It depends."

"On what?"

"If you think you're ready."

"Oh, I'm ready. I can handle whatever you dish out."

His chuckle was low and throaty, and I wanted to bask in that laugh, that cocky, knowing laugh. His grip tightened in my hair.

As he brought his lips closer to mine and hovered just over my lips, his voice was soft. He whispered, "I'm never going to be the same." And then the jolt of electricity hit me hard as our lips brushed, sending an electrical charge through me.

The first kiss was soft. A warning.

The next was an exploration as he pressed firmer and his tongue chased over my lips. And then when I gave him access, I heard him moan and curse low. Then I knew exactly what he’d meant. I was in a whole heap of trouble. This wasn't any ordinary kiss. This wasn't some random thing that could be walked away from. This was something I was going to feel soul deep tomorrow. Lachlan King could kiss. Worse, Lachlan King could own my soul if I let him.

His tongue was seeking. Exploring. When I parted my lips to let him inside, he gave me an appreciative grunt, and then delved in, fully exploring, taking his time, finding all the nooks and crannies and what made me groan. He put everything into one kiss, into one taste, into making sure that if it was the last one he was ever going to get, he was going to do it thoroughly.

All I could do was hold on for dear life as my hands slid up into his hair, my nails scouring his scalp and me trying to angle my body closer, tighter into his.

Somewhere between Lachlan's lips pressing over mine and his tongue staking its claim, he rolled on top of me and settled between my thighs, the motion bringing the length of his erection against me, and I gasped.

Lock tore his lips from mine, his eyes glassy and unfocused as he groaned. "Fuck, I love the way you taste."

I nodded. "I—" I swallowed hard. "Y-your dick is... wow."

He choked out a laugh and dropped his forehead to mine. “Talking dirty to me already.”

I laughed. “You’re huge.” It was the truth.

"You are certainly good for my ego."

I really needed a muzzle. "Something tells me, with an erection like that, you don't have an ego problem."
