Page 124 of Finding Home

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He seems too private, like if they did hook up, he might tell her to keep her big trap closed. Jon needs to loosen up, have fun, dance a little instead of staring at my best friend’s ass.

I hope some other dumbass – other than me – is outside in this mess. I hope I don’t have to walk all the way back to town alone. It’s too far, and I don’t think I can do it anymore. My feet drag along the rough gravel, and the exhaustion threatens to send me to sleep on my feet.

I stumble to the right and walk along the edge of the neighbor’s driveway. Thick pine trees line the way and shelter me from the snow. I don’t want to be snowed on anymore. It’s too cold.

Lights come and go further ahead, but the road’s still too far away.

Soon, soon more lights will come, then I’ll ask for a ride.

With renewed energy, I push on.Go to the light, Kit. Go to the light.I snicker and walk. I dig my bad arm into my bad ribs, and stumble on my bad feet, because my whole body is bad right now. With only ten yards before the trees break and the road opens up, I watch as another light comes around the bend. The beams of light spear through the trees, so I follow their direction.

“Fuck! Where is she? You search that way. Go!”

My stomach rolls as fear and nausea and cold fingers of pain run in my veins. I forgot about Rita. I forgot she was here. I sat on the neighbor’s front porch for ages and didn’t even stop to think that Rita would be near.

In blind panic, I run. I summon everything I have and I think back to track and high school, and sprint. My ribs and arm no longer slow me down. My feet feel no rocks. My toes feel no sticks. Nothing hurts anymore, because I refuse to stay here and be their victim.

Five yards to go until the clearing, and I’m crying. Bawling my eyes out and blind. But I keep moving.

Two yards to go, I shuffle and sob and rush toward the light.

One yard to go, I break through the trees and trip onto the unforgiving tar road. My hands and knees tear on impact, then I squint into the light right in front of me.

So close. So close to freedom.

Then darkness again.

The sleep can have me. I don’t want to be awake anymore.
