Page 138 of Finding Home

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“I’m sorry. I’m just nervous.” I fan my face like an idiot. “If I don’t go in, I might regret it for the rest of my life. I mean, how many chances will I get to meet Lila Royale?”

“As many chances as you want.” He smirks. “I’ll stalk her until she calls the cops, and then you can see her in court.”

I can’t even laugh, I’mthatwound up. “It’s okay, let’s go in. Quick, before I chicken out.”

He chuckles close to my face. He’s so friggin relaxed, so chill about meeting a musical superstar. This is no big deal to the big bad fighter who meets all the cool people all the time. It must be nice being him, to be a babe and confident in his hotness while his klutz girlfriend stumbles over her words.

“I’m glad you said that.” He nods over my shoulder casually. “Because we’re here.” He knocks on the door and presses a kiss to my lips before I can protest.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Less than thirty seconds later, the door opens and we face yet another large man. He looks like he could squeeze our skulls in one hand. At the same time. While eating a sandwich.

Note to self: don’t let Bobby stalk or kidnap Lila Royale.

The giant’s mean scowl turns to a boyish grin in an instant. “You’re Bobby Kincaid! Shit man, I’m a fan. I’m Shane.”

Bobby shakes his hand. “Nice to meet you, Shane. Yeah, I’m Bobby. This is Kit. We’re here to meet Ms. Royale.”

“Of course, we were expecting you. Come on in.”

He steps aside so we can enter, and as soon as he closes the door behind us, I do a circle to take it all in. Lila Royale isn’t standing in a corner, but everything else is really cool anyway. The room is huge, bright, and lush. A squishy couch lines one wall, and a dining table full of flowers and fruit baskets sits six feet away. A vanity with lights and an extensive assortment of makeup brushes sits along the far wall, then a second door leads somewhere else. Another room, or a bathroom, maybe.

“Ms. Royale will be with us in a moment.” Shane steps forward and offers a bottled water. “I was sorry to see your fight didn’t go ahead, Bobby. I was psyched for it.”

He squeezes me as guilt slashes through my belly. I know I shouldn’t feel guilty – it wasn’t my fault that I got hurt, but still, I do. How could I not? I date a professional fighter for less than a year, and his first fight since we meet, he had to forfeit.

Because of me.

The guilt burns.

“Yeah, it was too bad. But we’re organizing a rematch, so no worries.”

“Yeah? They didn’t announce that yet. When is it?”

He shrugs. “Thomlassen contacted us straight after the fight was cancelled. Our people are talking, but until we have a date, it’s not being publicly announced. I think it’ll be around May. Something like that.”

“That’s awesome. Me and my buddies have our money on you, so they’ll be happy to know the fight will happen eventually.”

“Yeah, it’ll happen. Call me before then and I’ll get you tickets to the fight.” He looks the giant up and down. “Do you train?”

“Yeah, a bit. Haven’t graded in anything, but I’ve tried my hand at BJJ and MMA. Sort of a requirement for my job, you know?”

“Yeah, I get you. Well, if you’re ever in our neighborhood, drop by my gym. We’ll be happy to have you.”

Shane grins big enough I can see his molars. “Will do. Thanks, man.”

A noise behind the second door draws our attention, then it swings open and a petite woman walks though. She reminds me of a mean little chihuahua, though she’s forgotten almost immediately as a very beautiful, very sparkly Lila Royale walks in behind her.

I gasp for air and clutch at Bobby so I don’t make a fool of myself. It’s Lila Royale.

It’s Lila Royale!

She walks around her chihuahua, then her bulldog Shane, and stops in front of us with a blinding smile. “I’ve been waiting for this for weeks! Oh my God, Bobby Kincaid. I’m so excited to meet you. And you must be Kit.” She leans in and hugs me as her sequined top noisily scratches together. “It’s truly a pleasure.”

She’s a lot taller than I expected; about my height, but taller because of her giant stilettos. She steps back, but her hands remain on my arms. “I’m so happy to have you guys here. My manager said this was a birthday surprise from your man, so happy belated birthday, girl.”

Don’t be lame. Don’t be lame. Don’t be lame.“Thank you, Lila– Ms. Roya– M– Shit, what do I call you?Shit!I can’t believe I said shit in front of you!”
