Page 53 of Finding Home

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She frowns and brings her hands up to my face. “You were laughing, I walk in, and now you cry? What the hell, Reilly? What is that?”

“I’m sorry for being a miserable cow, Case. I’m sorry for taking you for granted.”

“Oh honey, don’t cry. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.” She pulls me in for a hug, though her head rests against my boobs, she’s so little. “We’re sisters, and sisters always lift each other up.” She reaches up and swipes away a tear, then another. “You’ve always been there for me, remember? You’ve had my back, and now it’s my turn.” Her green eyes turn sad. “I came in here to join in the crazy laughter, not to make you cry. Jesus Kit, lemme hear you laugh.”

“Maybe you should squeeze her boobs,” Jimmy suggests hopefully. My eyes snap to his in shock. I forgot he was here. I forgot anyone was here except Casey.

Oh my God, I just cried in front of everyone.

Jimmy’s goofy grin turns down as Bobby steps out from behind me menacingly. Grabbing his hand, I fold in half and start the piggy snorts all over again. “Oh God! Did you hear everything we said?”

“Well yeah,” he laughs. “He was yelling, which isn’t weird, but then I heard boobs. I had to check it out, just in case.”

“Check out her boobs again, and I’ll gut you.”

I swipe away the streaming tears from my laugher and fall against Bobby’s side. Tonight has turned out to be exactly what I needed. Laughter is the best medicine, and good friends feed my soul. I’m lighter and happier than I’ve been in months. I feel energetic for the first time in a long time; not the usual sleepy dread I’m so used to now.

Casey smirks up from beneath her long lashes. “Ah, there she is.”

* * *

The next morning, I hop around my kitchen with one heel on, the other in my hand, and half a slice of toast in my mouth. We’re not late yet, but by the time we get out the door and I drop Jack off at the gym, I will be.

I rush from the kitchen and stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Jack! Let’s go!” Then I turn and run head first into his broad chest. “Shit!”

He smiles his dimply smile. “Stop yelling, I’m right here.”

“Dammit, you scared the crap outta me. Have you eaten? Are you ready to go?”

He nods and sits on the bottom stair to lace his shoes. “I’m good to go. I ate while you were in the shower.”

“Okay, cool.” I step into my second heel and run a hand over my dress. It’s black and sleeveless and in no way revealing – the neckline sits only an inch or so below my throat, and the hem an inch above my knees – but despite it being really quite tame and boring, it fits my body well and always makes me feel nice.

Throwing ourselves out the door and into my car, it takes until we’re driving along Main street before Jack clears his throat awkwardly. “So, ah, did Bobby tell you I get to shadow them today? Train, instead of clean.”

I frown. “No, he didn’t say. That’s a strange punishment.”

“Yeah, well.” He shrugs nervously and watches the storefronts pass us by. “I guess I wanted to talk to you about that. Bobby thinks it’s important I tell you, you know, so we’re on the same page. A team and all that shit…”

I appreciate Bobby encouraging teamwork between us, but I’m actually kind of terrified to know the details. Bobby assures me Jack was in the right, but that it would still be stressful to hear. It would be especially unwise to try to bury my head in the sand, considering all the lawyer trouble, but damn, it’s tempting. I don’t want more. I’m already almost completely sunk.

I sigh as we turn a corner. “Fine, go ahead. Tell me.”

He steels himself for my blowup. “I hit someone, and I initiated it, sort of. But I’m not sorry. He deserved it and more.”


“I hit Chris, as in Rita’s boyfriend.”

I throw my head back against the seat. Jesus. That’s it. I’m done. I want to lay down and die. It couldn’t be any worse. “Why, Jack? Why the hell would you do that? I thought you got along with them?”

“Yeah, well, I did. I do. I used to.”

“Why was he even there? I thought he dropped out.”

Jack shrugs. “He did. I dunno why he was there, except to talk to me.”

I have shit to say to the principal at our appointment on Monday. That fight should never have happened, because Chris should never have had access to Jack at school.Breathe in, suck up the boiling rage, breathe out, don’t smack Jack for making my life and lawyer’s bills that much more expensive.“Okay, keep going. What did he say that made you hit him?”
