Page 100 of Finding Forever

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“No really, you can’t see the similarities? They’re tiny, they’re fucking mean, and they’ll both rip your arm off without remorse.”

Turning away with seductively swinging hips, she smirks. “Well I guess it pays not to annoy Tink. You’ve been warned.”

I look down to Bean with a smile when she starts to wake. It’s dinner time for her, then alone time for me and her mommy.

Tomorrow, we’re inspecting houses for Bobby. They’re in a gated community across town, and now that the media knows where he lives, where we all live, it’s time we make a move. I have a family, now. Bobby’s trying to make a family.

Bobby’s got his eye on an entire cul-de-sac. Seven almost identical houses behind one single huge-ass gate. Finally, we get to realize our dream of living up each other’s asses.

We’ve just got to break the news to the girls.


* * *

With crusty eyes and a face sore from yawning, I climb out of the Jeep and meet the guys at the housing estate gate. “Mornin’.”

Everyone’s here, even Jack, but their clear eyes and lack of fatigue immediately grate my nerves.

Alone time with Iz, my ass.

Like she knew, like she doesn’t intend for me to ever break out of the friend-zone, Bean fucked us over last night. She went hard, and proved me a big fat friggin liar.

Every hour, on the hour, right through till four a.m., my littlecherubwoke and reminded us babies don’t actually sleep. She reminded us she has lungs. She reminded me she’s a fucking psycho and fits right in with her aunts.

Midnight sucked.

One and two a.m. sucked harder.

Three a.m. we were swearing at each other.

Three thirty, we were swearing at Bean.

But by four a.m. Iz had broken down into weary tears. That was the point I took Bean for a drive so Iz could get a few hours without the sound of the baby screeching. Hopped up on coffee, taking a thermos with extra, I got her in the car and lapped town.

Around, and around, and around again. Bean slept the second we took off, but each time I slowed for that single set of traffic lights in town, she woke and screeched.Note to self; not allowed to stop.

Even in my foggy-brained exhaustion, I figured out a better plan. I got us onto the freeway, drove to the city, exited the turnpike on the north end, swung around, got back on and headed south. Twice. Before today, my Jeep already had a billion miles on the clock, but now, six hours later, it has an additional three or four hundred.

By the time I rolled back into home with a sound asleep baby, an empty coffee mug, and a full bladder, I called Kit over to hang around the house while they slept, dragged my ass back to the car, and here I am.


Bean had better have that fucking bug out of her ass tonight, or she’s being grounded for life. I’m not playing.

“Nice of you to join us.” Bobby swaggers forward and bumps my shoulder with his. “Not like I don’t have other shit to do today.”

I shove him back. “Fuck off, B!”

“Woah.” Playfulness gone, he stops in front of me with drawn brows. “What’s the matter?”

“Don’t fucking touch me.”

“Hey!” He grabs my arms. “What’s your problem, asshole?”

“Nothin’. Fuck you.”
