Page 109 of Finding Forever

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She shooed the boys to Kit’s house, to dress in the same suits they still haven’t returned after Kit’s wedding – I have a feeling they own them now, and their credit cards are singing.

Kit did my hair, Tink did my makeup, and Bean slept.

I justknowshe won’t sleep tonight. I know she’s going to make us cry again.

We arrive to the courthouse in a limo that Jim sent to our house, because he likes to be a show pony – he’s the guy who dances in the octagon before a fight. He’s the guy who kisses his own biceps when he wins. He’s the guy who makes an idiot of himself, just because it makes everyone else laugh.

As the sleek car slides up to the curb, Nelly opens the door with tears in her eyes and a big fat smile taking up her face. “You look beautiful!” Immediately, she takes Bean from my arms and snuggles her close to fend off the cold chill in the air.

All week, I’ve wanted to spend every minute I could holding Bean, like my anxieties got the better of me if her skin wasn’t touching mine, but those anxieties are polarized withthis,now.

I’m marrying Jim, and despite everything that’s gone down, despite the whirlwind that is our sort-of relationship, I’m so excited, I want to burst.

I’m marrying my best friend.

None of the other details matter.

“Hey, Sissy.”

I look up and watch Bobby – so fucking handsome in his suit and high tops – move down the stairs with a goofy grin on his face and a familiar arrangement of flowers in his hand. “I grabbed these for you.” He presses a kiss to my cheek and the bouquet to my chest.

I turn to Kit warily. They’re hers. From her wedding. “You don’t mind, do you?”

She doesn’t take her eyes from her husband. “No, Wizzy. I don’t mind. It’ll be my honor.”

“I love you guys.” I pull my big brother – who’s not blood related to me at all – into a hug. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, honey.” Stepping back, he holds me at arm’s length. “You look stunning. I’m going back in now. Gotta take my spot as best man, but I’ll see you beauties in a minute.”

“I’ll go in, too,” Nelly announces. She tucks one arm into the crook of Bobby’s, and balances Bean in the other. “I’ve got the baby. You marry my boy.”

“Hold on. Let me take this to the guys.” Tink holds up her phone. “So Tina can watch, then it’s time to start.”

“This is so crazy!” I squeal into my hands. “I’m getting married. It’s crazy, right?”

Tink sprints up the stairs in heels. “Who cares! We’re young, we’re hot, we’re crazy. We never get to live today again. Just roll with it.”
