Page 114 of Finding Forever

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Dating A Lady

Iwatch Iz slowly, slow like a limp turtle, fasten her seatbelt and stare at the front of Kit’s house. She’s barely holding on, she’s on the verge of chickening out of the whole night, so I switch on the ignition and put the Jeep into reverse. “Are you ready?”

I love my daughter to fucking death, I’d kill anyone for her, but I love Iz, too, and I’m demanding a night out for her birthday.

I’ve known her for twenty-one years, but this is the first that I can openly celebrate her. Every year, I buy her something platonic, something any man can buy a girl without raising suspicions. Every year, I’ve watched on as she opened her gifts. I’d hold my breath as she got to mine, whatever that gift was, and I’d watch as she’d open it up, caress whatever trinket I’d selected, smile and give me a quick hug. I made her smile every year, but above it all, I wanted to touch her, to play with her hair, to hold her hand; all of those things that were forbidden to me.

Until now. Now, she’s my wife.

We’ve been married for sixty-three days. This year, I get to hold her hand. This year, I get to give her the world. She has my name, and with the joining of two families in a courtroom, she alone gives my name significance. She makes it worth more thanjusta bunch of asshole fighters. Bean has my name, too, and those girls give my daddy reason to look down from Heaven and smile.

DNA be damned, Bean’s a Kincaid. That baby is mine.

We’ll make a game plan for the future, to explain to my daughter the difference between biological parents and fathers. I’m her father in every other sense of the word, but we won’t lie to her.

But no matter what the future holds, today’s not that day.

Today’s my wife’s birthday.

Tonight, I buy her first legal drink. I’ll take her to a five-star restaurant where we’ll be waited on privately. We’ll eat delicious food and drink delicious wine. Then after that, I’ll take her to a five-star hotel with marble flooring, super king-sized beds, and lake-sized baths.

I won’t pressure her for anything more than she’s already given me, but Iwilltreat her like the queen she is and hope for the best.

We may not make love tonight, and that would be okay. We may not make love this year. That would still be okay. But when wedofinish what we started… well, I’m not scared anymore.

We’re best friends, first and foremost. We’ve fit since the day we met. Like two puzzle pieces of the heart, we’ve always fit. Making love to her will be no different. And when she’s ready, I’ll be waiting.

I mean, I might jizz in my pants once, maybe twice, before I get them off, but that’s okay. I’m young and fit, and my rebound rate is lightning fast. I’ll be ready when she is.

Five minutes after leaving Kit’s house, I check my blind spots and pull onto the freeway. When we’re cruising in the middle lane, I look to my right, to Iz. She’s biting her thumbnail again, her signature‘I’m an anxious wreck’move, so I take her hand and pull her poor mutilated nail away from her teeth.

“Bubs, you need to relax. She’s fine.”

“I’m scared something will happen to her.”

“I know, but I’m not. When you and I aren’t around, there’s no one on this planet that’ll care for her as well as they will. They won’t even put her down until we get back.”

“I know, but–”

“So let me spoil you. For just one night, let us be the grown-up version of us.” I squeeze her hand and wait for her worried gaze to come to mine. “Young. In love. Not broke. Let us have dinner and not talk in goo-goos and ga-gas. Let us play footsies under the table, hold hands, act like newlyweds. Let me live out some of my teenage fantasies.”

She snorts. “Well, you brought this on yourself. Every year, my birthday came and went, but I got no love.”

“Hey! I got you something every year.”

“You did.” She smirks. “But every year, I wished you would take me back to the shed and make out with me. You had my permission to touch my boobs right around my fifteenth birthday. Could’ve been at third base by my sixteenth. So many missed opportunities, James.”

I want to weep. I could’ve been at third base five years ago! “I’m gonna kiss you this year.” I peek at her from the corner of my eye and bite down on a groan when she smirks playfully. My dick grows in my jeans, pressing against my zipper, begging to be let out.

“You promise to kiss me this year?”

I’d love to kiss her. In all sorts of places.

“I promise, Bubs. Anything you ever want from me, I promise I’ll give it to you.”
