Page 123 of Finding Forever

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She writhes beneath me. Her body strung tight as she rides my hand to the end. “You’re so beautiful, Bubs. So fucking beautiful.” I let my shaking hands walk along her sensitized skin and watch the goosebumps follow in my wake.

I push my jean covered dick against her bare core and smile as she wraps her legs around my hips to pull me in closer. Rolling to my back and bringing her amazing body over mine, I study her perfection and pray my heart doesn’t explode before I get to feel her.

I’ve lost count how many times we’ve trained together in this very same position at the gym. Jiu Jitsu brings you and your opponent intimately close, and each time we’ve done this, every single time since I turned twelve or so, I had to escape to the showers and rub myself raw.

I wanted something I couldn’t have.

Iz positions herself on my hips so we’re touching dick to core, and leaning down, she runs her tongue along the ridges of my chest.

If my jeans weren’t in the way, I’d be in her already.

“These are pretty, you know that?”

I look down to watch her hair slide along my skin. “What’s pretty?”

“Your pecs. So fucking sexy.”

I laugh. “Don’t call them pretty! Guys aren’t pretty. Guys are manly. Sexy. Cut. Hung like a horse.”

“But you are. So, so pretty.” She presses her lips to my nipple. “The broken nose helped make you a little more rugged.”

“Fuck that asshole. I liked my nose where it was.”

“I like you exactly the way you are, Jim. Any way you come.”

“Speaking of…”

She giggles and slides down my body. Trailing her hands from myprettypecs, down my stomach, to rest on the button of my jeans, she teasingly looks up from beneath her lashes and bites down on my navel.

My head flops back and my dick twitches painfully against the zipper she slowly lowers. She taps my thigh when the jeans get caught underneath my weight. “Help me.” I lift my hips and let her slide them away. “I’ve waited a long time to touch you. To taste you.”

Her words are pure sex, and that combined with her breathy voice has my eyes rolling into the back of my head. I’m pretty sure this is the part where I embarrass myself.

If she touches me, if she so much asbreatheson me, I’ll be going off like New Years fireworks.

I consider calling this whole thing off, pausing our evening and going for a five mile run.

In the snow.


While wolves chase me and bite my ass.

But she doesn’t let me. Of course she doesn’t.

She tugs my boxers down just far enough to let me free, then she wraps her hand around my dick and sends me spiraling. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh my God.” I want to cry. I legitimately want to fucking weep. She feels so good.

“Not God. Just Iz.” Her dancing eyes mock me, but fuck if she doesn’t distract me from my imminent implosion.

“You’re fucking crazy, you know that?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Come back up here, kiss me.”

“Okay.” But she doesn’t. She stays where she is and wraps her lips around my dick instead. From almost no contact, to warm, wet, velvety Izzy goodness, she sheaths me in her mouth, swallows down, and squeezes me to the point of insanity.

I can die a happy man. That’s it. That’s my bucket list complete.
