Page 131 of Finding Forever

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“Oh no.” Iz rushes through and takes Bean from Kit’s arms. “Has she been upset long?” She pulls her boob out and sends Jack’s eyes to the floor in an instant.

“Nah.” Kit scoots across the couch to make room. “She was fine. She took her bottles overnight, Jack started dancing, she thought he was an idiot.”

“Hey! I was trying to entertain her.”

Bean suckles like mad and sends Iz’s frown to a relaxation so deep, I didn’t even realize how tense she was. She didn’t bother pumping before we left, she hand-expressed for a minute, took the painful edge off her engorged breasts, we swiped food from the buffet, ate in the car, and hauled ass home.

“I missed you, baby girl.” She presses her lips to Bean’s soft cheek. “Mama missed you so much.”

I step forward and look over her shoulder, and when Bean’s brown eyes meet mine, she smiles and sends milk dribbling from the corner of her lips.

Yeah. She knows her daddy.

“You two look…” Kit shrugs like a fool. “Rested.”

I don’t want to be one ofthoseguys. I don’t want to disrespect my girl by talking about our sex life, but damn, I can’t stop the megawatt smile that stretches across my face.

She nods in response, she even blushes, and when Jack escapes toward the kitchen, she stands to follow. “You both deserve it, that’s all I’ll say. This,” she waves her finger toward us, “this family unit thing… Looks perfect on you guys.”

The front door slams open and has me spinning to find Jon strutting in. “Where’s my baby?” He stops when our eyes meet. “Ugh, you’re back?”

Iz turns on the couch and frowns. “Yourbaby? Um, no. Mine.”

He walks in and smiles like a dork. “She’s a Hart. She’s mine to protect and spoil forever.” I narrow my gaze and wait for his to stop on mine. He scoffs. “What?”

“Kincaid, bitch.” I get enjoyment in the way his eyes narrow. “She’s a Kincaid. Which makes hermine.”

Iz stands from the couch with the baby still attached and eating. “What about me, jerk?”

“What about you?”

“You don’t want to protect me anymore?”

Jon brushes her away easily. So easy, she’s bound to murder him. “You’re married now, Sissy. Not my problem. But you,” he steps in close and strokes Bean’s hair, “you’re my new little baby girl. You think your mommy had it bad, but you, my pretty little princess, are never allowed to date. Never ever.”

Iz rolls her eyes and steps backwards until her back hits my chest. Instinctively, my hand goes around her hip and rests on her flat stomach.

I can touch her now. Finally, after years and years of pining, I can touch.

With a sour expression and narrowed eyes, he looks from my hand, to my eyes, to Iz’s, back to mine, then bouncing his shoulders, he turns on his heels. “Ugh. Gross!”

Iz follows him with her gaze. “What’s your problem now?”

He doesn’t stop in his escape, he simply flips his middle finger –to me– and keeps walking. “You have bags under your eyes. Both of you. You’re both disgusting.”

“Leave them alone,” Kit scolds. “Nobody picks on you when Tink walks around with tired eyes.”

“Shut up, Kitten. Nobody asked you.”

I chuckle and throw my arm over Iz’s shoulders. Squeezing her tight, I lead us through to the kitchen where we find Bobby and Jack hunched over plates of pancakes.

“Hey, B.”

He looks up with a grin that struggles between‘I’m proud of you, you little fucker. You lost your virginity,’and‘I’m so fucking pissed it was with Izzy,’so instead, he simply drops his silverware and tugs his wife into his lap when she goes to pass.

“Thanks for having Bean overnight.”

“It’s fine.” Kit cuddles into his broad chest. “She was an angel. She only woke at one. Then not again until six thirty.”
