Page 147 of Finding Forever

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“Shhh, baby.” Iz pats Bean’s back and tries to rock her while still at the table, but it’s way past her bedtime, and she’s not having it. Iz pulls her breast out to feed, but Bean pushes it away. She’s not hungry. She’s exhausted. “I think we have to go.”

I nod at her whispered words and look around the table; at Bobby and Kit pawing at each other under the table. At Aiden and Jack talking UFC. At Jon and Tink sitting beside each other andnotkilling the other with glares.

It’s a normal day.

I stand and pull Izzy’s chair out. “We’ve gotta go home.” I begin stacking our mess and packing all the baby shit into our bags while Iz fixes her top. She bends forward and works to clip the baby into her five-point harness.

“We’ll come, too,” Bobby offers.

I shake my head. “Nah, it’s cool. Stay, chill, relax. We’re just putting her to bed, then we’ll fall on our faces. Today was a big day.”

Iz nods and lifts the heavy car seat with a groan. “I’ll be asleep in about thirty minutes from now. Send us luck that she sleeps.”

“We’ll be five minutes behind you, then.” Kit nods toward Jack as he continues to shovel ice-cream down his throat.

No. They’ll be an hour behind us; we’ve played this game before – that kidneverfills up. He doesn’t stop when he’s full, he stops when Kit tells him he’s moved beyond socially acceptable or Bobby’s going broke.

Whichever comes first.

I throw my arm over Iz’s shoulder and take the car seat with my other hand. “Catch ya guys later.”

Collectively, the group waves, though they’re not paying us any attention as we walk to the door. We walk outside into the cool breeze and heavy darkness. It’s not snowing anymore, but the wind bites the tips of our noses as we walk.

“I’m so tired.” Iz snuggles into my side and hugs my hips with both arms. “Did you have fun?”

“Mmhm. You?”

She nods lazily as we reach the Jeep and start strapping Bean’s chair back in. It’ll take us five minutes to get home, then I intend to run a bath for Iz so she can rest. If she falls asleep in the tub, I’ll be standing by to sweep her back out and carry her to bed.

“Are you excited for Kit’s fight?”

I laugh. “Fuck yes, I am.” I’ve moved on from sympathizing with Bobby over this. Now I want to see her fight again. She was a powerhouse last time; I really don’t think she understands how well she did.

Like a lazy cat lying in the sun on a Sunday afternoon, Iz smiles and climbs into the Jeep. “It’s gonna be great. She’ll kick ass, and Bobby will panic. I can’t wait to watch him.”

I snort. “When’s the fight?”

“Three weeks,” she answers easily. “And Jack, too. I wanna see what he’s got now that he won’t be wearing head gear.”

“Right? I’ll never say it to his face, and if you tell him what I said, I’ll deny–”

“But he’s gonna kick your asses one day?”

“Yes! He’s setting up to be bigger than Bobby. He’s fast as shit. His strikes are powerful.” I turn to her dramatically. “He hurts me, Bubs. And I can’t even admit it and tell him to throttle back.”

She snickers. “That must sting; the teenager makes you cry in the showers, doesn’t he?”

“Don’t judge me, woman!” We’re pulling onto our street before I realize Bean’s silent in the back. Iz stretches her neck and peeks over.

Sitting back with a huff, she pokes a thumb over her shoulder. “Asleep.”

I roll my eyes. “Figures. We should go for a drive. Cruise around, she likes that.”

Iz considers it for a moment, but with a deep yawn, shakes her head. “Nah. I’m about to pass out. Then you’d be driving all alone while we both slept.”
