Page 35 of Finding Forever

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I nod mutely, simply because I can’t speak past the lump in my throat.

“Keys?” He takes them and pushes the right one in until the locks snick. Swinging the door wide, his eyes come back to mine.

This is precisely the situation I was hoping to avoid; being alone with him, in the dark, late at night. But despite my efforts, I’m still here, and he’s still looking at my lips, and Bean’s still right between us doing somersaults in my belly.

“Bubs…” Pressing his thumb to the V between my brows, he sighs unhappily. “Don’t worry so much, okay? Everything will work out.” He leans forward and places the softest, sweetest kiss on my cheek. His lips press barely millimeters to the side of mine and send me melting into a puddle of heartbreak and lust. “I promise.” He gently pushes me through my front door. “Lock up. I’m not going until I hear all three locks.”

* * *

The next morning, for the second morning in a row, I look up from my cereal at the sound of knocking at the door. Dropping my spoon into the soggy circles of wheat and food die one-hundred something, I stand to let Jim in.

I already know it’s him. I canfeelhim here.

I open the door with a wide smile and look up into his pretty eyes.

“Hey, Bubs.” He steps in without invitation, though of course, my smile is invitation enough.

I close and relock the door, and spinning to follow him in, I come to a screeching stop when I find his face only inches from mine. He bends low so his perfectly imperfect nose almost touches mine. His eyes make me crave a warm beverage… and him.

“Hey,” I whisper back. I should be embarrassed with how breathy my voice is, but I’m not, because I can taste his toothpaste in the air. I can smell his cheap conditioner. I can feel his body warmth touching my skin and warming me for the first time since I closed the door last night. “Um… Do you want some coffee?”

He doesn’t step away. He simply smiles. “No.”

Confused, I turn my head to the side. “No, what?”

We’re still toe to toe, nose to nose. “No, I don’t want any coffee.”

“Oh, um, okay.”

He steps impossibly closer. “I dreamed of you last night.”

“You did?”

He reaches forward and fingers a lock of my long hair. “Uh-huh.”

Swallowing past a dry throat, I lick my lips in want. “What,” I clear my nervous throat, “what did you dream about?”

“About us.” His serious eyes stop on mine. “We were together.”


“Mmm.” The low rumble works its way up his throat. “Like really together.” He takes another step closer until our hips touch. “Together, as in, I could touch you.Anywhere. Any time. And when I did, you didn’t freak out.” He licks his plump lips. “You touched me, too.”

“I did?”

He nods gently. “I want you, Izzy.” He leans in close enough that his nose tickles the soft skin behind my ear. “I’ve wanted you since I was way too young to know what to do with my dick.” I gasp in surprise when he presses it against my stomach. “I know what to do with it now, Bubs. I know how to make us both feel good.”

I can’t speak. I can’t move. I’m frozen in place. Blind to the world. Deaf to everything except him.

“Do you remember the first time we kissed?”

His words transport me back to six-year-old me. Back to the kiss from the prince that would forever hold my heart.

I simply nod.Yes. I remember.

“Do you think…” His eyes come back to mine. “I’d really like to do it again. Kiss you, that is… I’m tired of pretending. I’m tired of following rules I don’t have to follow. Let me touch you, Bubs. Let me show you what we could have.”

Oh dear.
