Page 62 of Finding Forever

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Time Warp

Sitting in a ward of sorts, with eight or nine other babies each separated by plastic walls, I jump on Tara as soon as she steps back into Bean’s unit. “Did you see her?”

“Yes, I saw her.” She smiles conspiratorially. “She’s very sleepy. But she’s okay.”

“What’s happening with her?”

“She was moved to her own room and cleaned up. Now she’s just sleeping.” Tara produces a plastic syringe from inside a clear plastic baggy. “We’ll bring her here in the morning to officially meet her daughter.”

I look at the creamy yellow liquid inside the plastic needle. “Is that…”

“This is Izzy’s colostrum.” Leaning over me, since I refuse to put Bean down, she drop feeds it directly into the baby’s mouth.

Wearing only a diaper and six trillion cords, Bean snoozes in my arms and hungrily suckles at the plastic syringe.

Every hour since we’ve been in here, Tara has come to us and pricked Bean’s poor little foot. Already, the heel is purpling and sore. They take a drop of blood for testing, and by the second hour, Bean’s cries stopped. Now they just prick and she continues to sleep.

Such a strong baby. So brave like her mama.

“What have you named her?”

I frown. Besides Bean, I honestly have no clue what Iz wants to call her. With a useless shrug, I stare at the baby in my arms and vow to keep staring until her mommy can come and tell me her name. “I don’t know.”

With a cheerful smile and a pep to her step, Tara moves back once the syringe is sucked dry. “That’ll do her for a few hours.” She tosses the syringe into the trash. “I might have to go back to Iz for one more lot before morning, but once day breaks, we’ll bring her in. I bet you’re busting to see both of your girls in one room.”

I scoff. Busting is an understatement.

“You can put her down.” Tara reaches out to take her, but with a grunt and twisted torso, I move away.No chance in hell.“Or not,” she chuckles. “Get comfy, Daddy. I’ll be around. Call me if you need anything.” She turns to walk away, but with a small laugh, looks over her shoulder. “Also, you smell really bad. Did you know that?”

I laugh. “Yeah, she puked on me during delivery.”

“Aww, you’re definitely not the first guy that ever happened to.”

She leaves to go torment another baby, and I look down to the beauty in my arms.

Her face is round and swollen, bruised from temple to jaw from the forceps, but it doesn’t detract from her beauty, not a single bit.

Olive toned skin, just like Iz, and dark tufts of hair, though it’s not long. I lean in close and take a whiff. She smells fucking divine. She’s yet to have a bath. Her short hair sticks to her scalp, and yet, she smells perfect.

Curiously, I look at my watch. Four in the morning. This has been the longest and shortest night of my life, and though I should be tired, I’m not. Not even a little. I’m so hyped up, I could probably do burpees and beat my personal best easily.

I don’t. Because that would mean putting Bean down.

Instead, I simply snuggle in close and continue to study her perfect little features.
