Page 85 of Finding Forever

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Mermaids And Rubber Gloves

Like good old times, Iz’s stubborn streak almost sends me to the edge of insanity. “Just sit in the fucking chair, woman!” I exercise every ounce of control I possess to not simply pick her up andputher in the chair. “An hour ago, you could barely stand, now you want to walk from here all the way to Bean’s ward? Are you insane?”

“I’m fine! I can do it, and the nurse said I need to walk around anyway. It’s good for me.”

“So, what if you fall on your face? What then, genius?”

“Well, I’m sure there’ll be a big strong doctor hanging around to catch me.” She smirks daringly. “Unless you’d rather step in for him.”

I want to break this hypothetical doctor’s face.

Fucking asshole.

“Sissy, just get in the chair. Let us take you for a ride. That way, you’ll have somewhere to sit when you get to Bean.”

“No.” She stubbornly begins to shuffle forward. Her steps gain only a few inches at a time. At this rate, it’ll take an hour to get there. By the time we arrive, she’ll be so exhausted, I’ll need to fetch the damn wheelchair anyway. “Let’s go, slow pokes, I want to see my daughter.”

I take one single step forward. Caught up.

I look to Jon, but he only shrugs his shoulders. He thinks he’s badass. He thinks he controls the universe, but he doesn’t control her. We both know Iz, and we both know that the decision is already made. She’s walking there, or she’ll die trying.

It’s the die trying thing that kills me.

“Alright, hold on!” I thread her arm into the crook of mine to take her weight. Jon takes the IV stand on her other side. “If you fall down, I’m gonna be pissed at you. Seriously pissed, Iz.”

“If you get mad at me, it’ll be just like old times, right?” She grins. So much fucking sass. “You’re always pissed. Besides, we’re getting married; married people are supposed to fight. It’s the rules.”

Yeah, she’s going to fucking kill me. But the whole‘we’re getting married soon’… I can’t fight the smile that tugs at my mouth.

Yes. We’re getting married. Soon. Really fucking soon.

“You’re still a stubborn ass.”

“And knowing that about me, you still proposed.”

Yes. Yes I did.

We exit the elevator on Bean’s floor and find the hallway empty. “Where’s Jack?”

“He’s inside with B and Kitkat,” Jon answers.

“Where’d Aiden go? And Tink?”

“Aiden went to see Nell. She wanted to see pictures of Bean. He’s gonna hang with her for a couple hours. And Case…” Jon sighs thoughtfully. “I think she went home to rest.”

Iz’s body turns taut with panic. “Did someone call Tina?”

I squeeze her arm firmly. “Kit called Tina last night, Bubs. Relax.” I hit the buzzer at the double doors to let us in. “She’ll come by as soon as she can, but Evie’s not allowed into the NICU, so she’s working around that.”

Iz’s lips drop into a pout. “Why isn’t Evie allowed in?”

“No kids except siblings.”

“Is she mad we didn’t call right away?”
