Page 99 of Finding Forever

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I look in the back and find Bean doing what she does best. Sleeping. “Me too.”

“What was with the candles on Kit’s cake?”

I cough to hide my laugh. “No clue. Tink’s weird.” I slide out of the Jeep and start to unclip Bean.

“She probably ate Tink’s chocolate or something,” Iz muses.

I shake my head. For Iz to have come to that conclusion so easily, so rationally, means she thinks the same way. I’ve known her her whole life. She’s been my best friend our whole lives, and yet, women are a fucking mystery to me.

“What do you wanna do tonight?” I take her hand at the front of the Jeep and we work our way along the path to the front door. For the first time since Bean arrived, we have no visitors. For the first time, Iz and I can have quiet time.

I understand why everyone’s always up in our space. They’re trying to help, but for the two minutes Iz was out of the room tonight and the girls were making plans to crash this house again, I flat out told them all to fuck off. It was said with love, but it was said firmly. It’s my turn with her.

Finally, my time.

She wears my ring. She even lets me hold her close, but except for the occasional kiss on the lips, nothing has actually changed for us. We’re just a couple of best friends living together and sharing diaper duty.

Best friends living together; accurate.

But a couple. A real, actual, couple; to be determined.

It’s time to start ushering my best friend toward the alter. I got Bean. She got my name. But I want the set. I want Iz’s name to match. Everything else can be figured out later.

Iz’s stitches and inability to have sex have actually been a comfort to me. Like a security blanket, there’s been no sexual pressure on either side. Despite the fact I’m hornier than an energetic teenager on Red Bull, that security blanket soothes me a hell of a lot more than it soothes her.

Unbelievably, I’m scared shitless.

I don’t want to hurt her; and from what I’ve read, itwillhurt. I don’t want to tell her the truth about my… inexperience. And I sure as shit don’t trust myself not to come in my pants the second she crooks her finger and says‘come here, big boy.’

Izzy Hart was my every teenage fantasy wrapped up in one tiny, beautiful, brown eyed package. I’ll probably be that guy on the news who has a heart attack from getting overexcited.

Fuck my life.

“Do you wanna watch a movie?” she suggests. Her words are soft, but they drag me out of my thoughts so abruptly, I could swear they were like a gunshot in the night.

“Yeah, a movie.” I half turn as we reach the front door and pat my tenting jeans down. The day I get to actually touch her will be a fucking mess. “Do we have any ice-cream?”

Iz walks in ahead of Bean and me, and tosses her diaper bag on the floor by the hallway table. “No ice-cream. Tink ate it all the other day.”

I stop in my tracks. Standing in the doorway with one hand holding Bean’s car seat and the other covering my face, I groan.

Do I laugh? Do I cry? I’m surrounded by fucking crazies.Don’t be like them, Bean. Be like me. I’ll help you find the light.

“What’s the matter?” Walking back to the door, Iz wraps her arms around my hips and rests her face on my chest. This isn’tfriendly. This is couple-y. This is a good fucking sign. “Why are you frowning? Sad about something?”

“No, I’m actually thinking about Tink.”

Shooting back like I punched her, Iz’s jealous eyes nail me to the wall. “Excuse me? Wanna explain that real friggin quick?”

Jealous Iz might be my favorite of them all. “Do we have to keep her around?”

Her lips quirk up. “What?”

“Yeah, like, I know she’s small and doesn’t take up a lot of space, but she’s a lot of hard work, Bubs. How important is she to you? Is it worth it?”

She giggles. “Stop! Yes, we have to keep her. She’s cute like a puppy.”

“Like a chihuahua, maybe–”
