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"Bring him back." She growled.

No one answered.

"BRING HIM BACK!" Ace shrieked and her voice echoed back to her.

Nature is already unbalanced. What it gives it also takes,Fareesh warned.

"Take someone else then," she said to the gods. "Anyone else."

That's not a deal you want to make,Sylik chided.

"Bring him back." She didn't care who died in his place. Maybe that made her a little too much like the queens. Maybe she was being entirely selfish.

He'd saved her. Then he'd died.

He hadn't even come in from the entrance he was supposed to be at… he'd… he'd come in behind her. Had he turned back to find her when the attack had started? No. She couldn't think about that.

"What do you want from me?" Ace's voice cracked. "You took me from peace. You thrust me back into this world where I had to mourn myself, my old life. I finally had something. Someone." Even if Shelby ended up leaving her at least it would be on his own terms. That she could accept. But this… "You'll give me his soul." She demanded of the gods.


Embers crackled inside of her.

He'll hate you, Mina whispered.

"Let him. As long as he lives."

You are not alone, Ace. No matter how much you think you are. If you bring him back nature will take more than she will give.

Ace thought of the man who'd stood in the doorway. She'd thought of his orange eyes that looked just like hers. "Are there others like me?"

The brilliant white started to fade. Ace's spirit tried to cling to the gods, cling to the fire within her, but it was burning out. White changed to gray which darkened to black.

The lightning was gone. Her body was numb. A hot tear escaped the hard press of her eyes, rolling down her cheek and off her face.

A ragged gasp filled Shelby's lungs. Ace's eyes flew open as she sat back on her heels. His hands held his chest as he sat up. Blood still coated his body and his fingers but the hole was gone.

Replaced by a marbled white scar.

His body shook as he peeled back the fabric and touched the mark. "What did you do?" His deep voice was weak. Those eyes of his…he looked at Ace. A streak of orange marred his left iris, the rest still his beautiful hazel.

"Ace," he demanded, his throat bobbing, "what didyoudo?"

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