Page 85 of Brone

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Brone let out a, “Whoop!” and I found myself scooped into the arms of a very happy Tank Class. Brone smirked. “Let’s go practice.”

I laughed. His joy was infectious. “Pretty sure it doesn’t work that way for us, but I’ll never say no to getting you naked.”

Brone looked down at me, his eyes glowing with happiness. “I love you, my Nara.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled his face down for a kiss. “And I love you, my Tank Class.”

The End….



“Axios!” My name echoed through the great room. Turning my head, I saw Lillian racing towards me and I braced myself for impact.

The tiny human child could not match a cyborgs strength, but I swore as she collided with my legs that she was far stronger than she appeared.

Or maybe it was simply her personality. I loved that Lillian had no fear of me, not caring at all that I looked different from the other cyborgs.

Gazing down at her, I smiled. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Lilly?” When it was just her, I could find the ability to speak, but whenever her mother appeared, my vocal systems malfunctioned.

“Lilly! What did I tell you about bothering Mr. Axios?”

And there goes my vocal systems.I could only watch as Lilly’s mother walked over to us, a stern look on her face.

“It’s f-f-fine,” I whispered. “She d-doesn’t bother me.”

The look on Lilly’s mother’s face softened. I had yet to learn her name. I had been too afraid to ask and risk screwingit up. You would have thought they had fused a different cyborg’s tongue inside my mouth with the way it refused to work every time Lilly’s mother came near.

Never in my whole existence had a female made me so nervous. Then again, I thought Lilly’s mother’s beauty could render any cyborg speechless.

Her delicate, slender frame came up to right under my chin. Hair the shade of honey dusted across her shoulders. A set of warm, blue eyes looked down at her daughter, who had wrapped herself around my legs.

“Seeing how taken my daughter is with you, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Irene.” She held out her hand.

I worked to keep my hand from shaking as I took hold of hers, shaking it gently. “Axios.” I had somehow managed to get my name out in one piece.

“Oh, I know who you are.” She smiled and my manufactured heart skipped.That is new.I prayed it wasn’t a new malfunction. I had experienced my fair share due to the way my frame had been constructed. I was not one cyborg, buts parts and pieces of many. Dr. Shaw had worked hard to get me as fully functional as possible, but I would never run at a hundred percent efficiency.

“Lilly talks about you all the time.”

I realized in horror I was still holding her hand. I let go like it had caught fire, my blue cheeks darkening. “S-s-sorry.”

Irene went to reply but Lilly cut her off. “That’s cause he’s a rainbow, mommy!” Lilly peered up at me with the same shade of eyes as her mother. “He’s beautiful.”

My heart expanded inside my chest. “Thank you, Miss Lilly.” It seemed my vocal systems worked fine when I was talking to Lilly. In fact, they only seemed fail when I had to speak to Irene.

I was going to have to make an appointment with Dr. Shaw as soon as possible. I couldn’t stutter every time Irene spoke to me. I was already not a whole cyborg. I couldn’t afford to sound like I was suffering a malfunction when I opened my mouth as well.

“Come, Lilly. I am sure Axios has places to be.”

I really didn’t. My best friend, Oz, was usually with her cyborg. And everyone else was so busy, I doubted they even noticed I was missing most of the time. Since arriving at Lennox’s compound, I had spent most days all alone.

I understood. I wasn’t as fast or as strong as the other cyborgs. Even my processors functioned below normal. Some days, fighting my rebelling programmingwas more than I could take. My struggles seemed nothing compared to what was happening around me, so I kept quiet and tried to help where I could.

My eyes roamed over Irene, seeing the desire to leave flashing in her eyes. And why wouldn’t she? What female would pick a cyborg like me for herself and her perfect daughter?

Reaching down, I gently detangled Lilly’s arms from around my legs. “You need to go with your mother.” I tried hard to ignore the look of hurt that flashed across Lilly’s features. “I will see you soon, Miss. Lilly.”

“You promise?”

I nodded. “I promise.”

“It was wonderful to finally to meet you, Axios,” Irene said as she took Lilly’s hand in hers.

“You t-t-too.”Stupid. Why can’t you get your words out straight?After this, I never expected Irene to attempt to speak with me ever again.

I really was the most useless cyborg.

They walked away and even though I was standing in a room filled with cyborgs and their humans, I had never felt more alone.

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