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"Nothing. I didn't tell them anything."

"Are you sure?"

" After the gas leak at your place, I don't even know where you're staying."

"Yeah, well, I'm keeping that to myself for now."

"I get it. I fucked up. I'm sorry. I do want you to be happy. I just always thought you’d be happy with me."

"We're just friends."

"Yeah, I know. Gemma told me that. I just didn't listen."

"Please listen to her. Now, I’ve got to go." I stood to leave, but he grabbed my hand. James was right there, hand on his wrist, scowl in place.

"Aw, shit. Damn, Kaya, call him off."

I shook my head at James, but he still didn't let go until Andrew let go of me.

"Fuck. All I was going to say is that I told those guys to ask Gemma whatever they wanted to know."

My eyes went wide. "And when was this?"

"I don't know, about an hour ago?"

If he was telling the truth, then Gemma was in danger and I had to get to her, post haste.


I tried to remember all the lessons my mother had given me.

I just couldn't believe Andrew. Why would he do something so stupid? Strange men were asking about me, so he just went ahead and told them that Gemma had been helping me? Jesus. Who did that? We were friends. Why didn't he use his goddamn brain?

As I took the stairs two at a time, my hands sliding up the slightly rusted rail, Ryan jumped in front of me, stopped, and frowned.

He turned around and shook his head at James. Then James put his hands on his holster as both of them looked around.

"What's going on?"

My question was soft, hushed. I wasn't trying to draw anyone’s attention.

They both stood still for a moment, and then just as James turned back around to face me, I heard a loud pop and he went down.

Years of living with my mother had taught me to not scream in situations like this, but do get down for cover. All of a suddenit was as if she was standing there giving me my instructions, reminding me of what to do, how to move.Keep your mouth shut. Lay low. Get to cover.

Even though James was down, I reached for him. Ryan shook his head, wrapped an arm around my waist, and tugged me up the stairs. We’d barely made it up two flights before mayhem broke loose.

There were three more men firing at us. Ryan didn't even hesitate. He fired back, but the gunshots didn’t seem to make any noise.

I frowned at that. A silencer?

How many guns do these guys have? Let alone where did they get them from? And how the hell had they gotten permission for a silencer? I watched Ryan as he started to draw another gun out. He didn't even have to tell me what to do as he shoved me behind a massive donation box and leaped out to do the work.

Pffft. Pffft. Pffft.The sounds of bullets passing through a silencer. But there were too many of them. He was a sitting duck. They were going to kill him.

I could hear Saint in my head.They're there to protect you. No other reason. They are there for you. You get out.

But there was nowhere to go. Sure, I could attempt to go back to the staircase and either go down toward whoever the hell shot James, or go up to Gemma's and be a sitting duck at her flat.
