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And then at the other end, someone was coming up the stairs.

Oh, hell, two I could take, but four? I’d need a miracle.

With my knuckles bloody after I delivered a proper hammer fist and the man in front of me groaned, I got to my feet, grabbing his gun, knowing I was going to have to do something to make all of this work. I saw a man at the end of the hallway. He was enormous, moving quickly. But I didn't have time tofocus on him because I had to fight. I blocked a fist coming for me, diverting it, managing to hit someone. Someone else came from behind and delivered a sidekick, but I had to focus on the assailant in front of me.

I was in so much trouble. But then an all too familiar voice said, "Get your fucking hands off her."



I tapped Richard,my driver, and handed him my phone so he could set our new coordinates to follow her. He gave me a nod, and I rolled my window down to get more air because I felt like I was going to panic.

On my way to campus to meet Kaya, I had glanced at my phone and saw her tracker move. Where the fuck was she going? She was going in the complete opposite direction. The fuck? Then I texted her security team. My text looked a little something like this:

Saint:Where the fuck is she going?

Saint:It's your job to protect her.

Saint:If something happens to her, I will have your heads.

Saint:Fuck it, I'm coming.

There were no responses, which I hadn't really anticipated anyway. This was the problem when you had junior agents doing a standard security gig. They let the subject wander off and do whatever the fuck she liked.

All this after we just had a whole string of conversations about no more secrets and safety.

Except, you're still keeping a secret, aren't you?

She didn't know about Rogues. But then again, that was an order. She wasn't supposed to know. She was supposed to remain blissfully unaware. Gabe didn't want her in the loop, but he was willing to use her if he needed to.

His blurring of the lines made me very uncomfortable and made me wonder if eventually Saff would operate in that morally gray area too.

But I knew Saff. She couldn't operate in that area. It wasn't part of her makeup. When she was in command, she would do things differently. At least that's what I liked to tell myself.

Richard said, “It looks like she’s at 4276 Illing Road."

I frowned at that. Why did I know that fucking address?

Wait. This was Gemma's address. She'd just gone to Gemma's, that was all. Suddenly that knot that had been forming in my chest eased, and I took my first deep breath of the last two minutes.

You've got it bad, man.

As we continued to speed down the street, I kept ignoring that voice and repeatedit’s just Gemma’smultiple times to myself. Damn it, there wasn't danger lurking around every corner. Not everything was going to be a complete and utter cluster—

The scream I heard from the direction of the building sent me stumbling out of the car as Richard immediately hit the brakes.

I knew that scream. I'd heard it before. It was Kaya. I ran up the stairwell, not bothering with the elevators, taking the stairs two at a time instead. I could be faster than the fucking elevator.

But on the way up I saw one of her guards, James, his prone body on the sixth floor landing. There was blood coming from his shoulder. He wasn't moving, but he was breathing steadily. What the fuck? I called back to Richard, who had followed me from the car. "Take care of him."

I went after Kaya.

This was why we didn't go into scenarios without back up.

But God, what was happening to my Sprite right now? When I reached the hall of the eighth floor, my eyes went wide. There was my future wife, kicking ass.

There were three men. One on the ground with a gunshot wound, and a second holding his groin and groaning.
