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"Right, those infamous orders." Kaya pushed to her feet and strolled over to me, jamming a finger in my chest. "Tell me, was it part of your orders to kiss me? To slide those big fingers of yours inside me and make me come, were those part of your orders too?"

My cock pulsed. Fucking hell. Her scent wafted around me, and I had to swallow hard and clench my teeth. "Kaya."

"No." She jabbed me on the chest again. "Don't you dare Kaya me. The whole time, you looked at me like you cared about me. But the whole time, you were lying. You just lied, and God, I believed you."

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you who I was."

"Oh my God. Are we doing semantics?"

"If I have to."

"Fuck you, Saint."

I winced when she didn't use my first name. "You're angry. You should be. This whole thing is fucked up, I know."

"God, was any of it real? Because I thought that you and I… that something was happening. Was I wrong?"

I swallowed hard. "You weren't wrong."

"Then what the hell happened? How did I miss this?"

"You didn't miss anything. I just wanted you, and I couldn't give you up."

"And so you didn't tell me? What the fuck, Saint? Honestly, what the fuck?"

"I'm a twat, what can I say? I know I fucked up royally, Kaya. I hurt you, and I was a twat. But you have to understand, you were never supposed to get hurt. None of this was ever supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to fall for you. You weren't supposed to show up at that fucking auction. But when we danced, I could feel you under my skin. You were already rooted there, and I couldn't stop wanting you. And then you needed my help and I needed yours."

"Right. I do have one question about that, the whole get married thing. Was that part of your orders too?"

I swallowed hard. "No. Those weren't the orders. Once I told Gabe my idea, everyone was on board, but Gabe was pretty clear I was to be hands off."

She nodded slowly. "So, all those times you kissed me, you were breaking your orders?"

I swallowed hard, and she stepped closer. "Yes."

"Every time you touched me, you were breaking orders?"

I dragged in a deep breath and shuddered. "Yes."

"So I was just an assignment? None of it was real?"

"Kaya…" I could hear the warning growl in my voice. I could feel my control slipping. I'd never felt like this before.

There was a dangerous glint in her eyes. Something desperate and angry. But then there was also her. It was like she had the answer to a question that I didn't know how to ask yet. Together it made a cocktail that I couldn't stay away from. "Kaya, this is not a good idea."

"Why? Why is this not a good idea?"

"Because I want you too much, and this isn't a good idea. Not for you. Not for me. Not for either of us."

"You're telling me you want me?"

I swallowed hard. "Yes, you have no idea."

"How am I supposed to know that?"

I stopped looking over her shoulder and met her gaze then, letting her feel every crackle of electricity between us, and she stopped poking me on the chest, her eyes flaring, just a little. And then I backed her up. She only took one step though before tilting her chin up. "None of it was real."

"I'll fucking show you what's real."
