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"I thought you were the best in the business. Didn't you just give me a whole lecture about how my mother had been trainedfor this? What a great agent she was? Didn't you just feed me a whole line of bullshit about how this was my legacy, blah, blah, blah. And now, when I want to honor that and tell you that I don't trust you, I don't know you, you try and be bold with me? I'm not having it. You can't force me, so you might as well get used to the idea. I'm going back to the penthouse. You can send as much security as you want with me. Saint, Westin, whoever. But I'm going back. I'm going to get some rest. I want to go through her papers on my own. You'll get photocopies. I'll give you any information I find out. But I'm not staying here. This isn't my home."

I licked my lips and swallowed hard. "I don't really have one anymore, but this place is chaos. This is where my mother came from. I can't do this. So that's what's going to happen if you want my cooperation. You can hold me against my will, but then I'll give you nothing. What's it going to be?"

Gabe lifted a brow and met my gaze directly. I think he could see that there was no way in hell I was backing down. Then he sighed and turned his attention to Saint. "You stay on her like glue. Right now, she's our only lead. If something happens to her, it's your head."

Saint glowered at him. "If something happens to her, that's my heart." He pushed to his feet. "Come on."

My skin flushed as heat suffused my body. As we marched out together, I whispered to him. "Did you mean that?"

"You mean the part about you being my heart? Of course I meant it. My heart would shatter if something happened to you."

I didn't know what to say about that. I wanted him. I felt safe with him. He wasn't something I was used to.

"Did you mean whatyousaid?" he asked.

I paused and glanced up at him. "About what?"

"About him never finding the files that your mother left for you."

I smirked. "No. The files are on the dining room table. Anyone looking could go grab them right now."

He laughed. "Fine, let's go. But first, I think there's someone you should see."

We took a left toward what I remembered as the infirmary. When he pushed open the door, I expected a doctor waiting to examine me again. Instead, I found Gemma in bed arguing with a nurse.

"I am fine. There's nothing wrong with me. I don't have a concussion. I just feel slightly groggy because you motherfuckers tranq-darted me. Who does that? If you think for one minute—"

Her gaze skittered and fell on me. "Oh my God, you're okay." She hopped off the exam table, batting away the nurse’s anxious hands. She ran and hugged me, squeezing tight. "Jesus fucking Christ, I have been so worried. I saw you when you were knocked out. I mean, who the hell uses tranq darts anyway? Then this bozo over here told me it was your second dose and they didn't know when you were going to wake up. I was livid."

"I missed you. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I was in class, and that guy—" She turned and pointed at a guy dressed in black ops security gear. Tall, good-looking, silent, and stoic. Great body. His gaze flickered over Gemma, and then his lips twisted into a smirk. "He said that one," she pointed at Saint, "needed me for something to do with you and I was to go with him. And I said, sure, I'll come along. Just show me a text from him, because you know, you never can be too careful." Gemma was pacing around, waving her hands and gesticulating wildly as she acted it all out. "And then, when I insisted I needed to see a text from Saint saying that he had given instructions, that motherfucker over there pulled out a tranq gun and darted me. I woke up here. And then these nurses won't leave me the fuck alone. They kept checking me for a concussion in case I fell and hit my head. They kept asking mememory questions, but they wouldn't let me see you. Are you okay?"

I hugged her tight again, letting the familiarity of her scent wash over me. I was holding her too tight, I knew that, but I was so relieved I couldn’t let go of her.

"I'm fine. I'm just worried about you. Andrew fucked up. He talked to the wrong people. They might have been looking for me at your place."

I couldn’t tell her I had plans on murdering him with my bare hands and a rusty spoon. So instead, I said, "I will deal with him. I don't want you to worry."

"I don't even know what to say about him, but that's a whole other problem for another day.”

“There were guys who tried to get in your flat."

"Duh, I wasn't even there. I was in class. Well, on campus, prepping for my critique."

Xander's fucking critique. I'd forgotten. "I haven't even had a chance to shoot this week."

Saint's voice was low. "I already informed him. He understands. He sent your assignments. You can do them remotely and send them in."

I blinked at him. Should I be angry that he'd summarily taken over my life, or should I be relieved that he'd taken that off my plate? I wasn't sure. Either way, I didn't have to worry about it for the time being, which was a relief.

"Actually Gems, I think we need to find you someplace safe to stay for a while."

"Oh my God, am I comingto live in the penthouse too? Because I'm a fan."

Saint laughed. "Well, there's more than enough room if that's what you want to do. We'll get security to watch you there."

I turned to him. "We'll be there too, right?"
