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"Fine. I understand your concern, but honestly, I want this all to stop. What if I use this," she used her toe to point at the wooden box in front of her, "to draw out whoever's after me? Antonio Igno is after my mother. She stole from him, right? What if we make it known that I have what he wants? Draw him out, apprehend him, and then it's over."

I stared at her. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, I'm not kidding. What's the problem?"

"Kaya, you're asking me to use you as bait? Surely you know I would have an issue with this."

"But why? It's clear that's what Gabe wants. Igno wants me. We can end this right now if I make myself available. If he tries to get me, you get him. What's the problem?"

"I don't want to risk something happening to you. Why don't you get that?"

"I get it. I do. Honestly. But this is the easy fix. The way in we've been looking for. I'm willing to do it because I want my life back."

"Your calm safe life beforeIwalked into it?"

Her gaze searched mine. "No, actually. I had a revelation about that. It's like I've been hiding from myself all this time. Hiding from what I'm good at and what I'm capable of. And I don't want to do that anymore. I want to embrace all the parts of me. Even the parts that I don't know that well yet. And to be able to live that life, I can't have an albatross around my neck."

"Absolutely not."

"What did you say?"

"You heard me. I'm not letting you do it."

"I don't think you have a choice unless you have a better idea, because as of right now, I cannot open this thing. But at least I have it. If you can think of a way to get Igno off my tail, I'd love to hear it."

"We're already getting married. He wouldn't dare touch you."

"You keep saying that, but I'm not entirely sure. And here's the thing… You can't actuallystopme from doing this."

"The fuck I can't. You are mine to protect, damn it." She was also mine to love.

Oh, easy there, mate. Who said anything about falling in love?

My heart frantically skipped inside of my chest, traitor that it was. Kaya wasn't going to back down though. Ever.

"I'm sorry, Saint, but that's not your call to make."


"This is ridiculous. I'm not letting her do it." Saint sat back, arms crossed with a determined look on his face.

But it was Gabe, hands planted on the table, that I really took note of. His gaze was level. "It's not your choice to make, Saint."

"You're trying to put the woman I care about in harm’s way just to see what pops? I refuse to let that happen."

"These are your orders. And you'll be happier getting these orders from me than from Oversight. If they start meddling, there's nothing we can do to protect her or anyone involved."

I sat back just watching the room.

Saff was pacing. "Gabe, stop being ops command for once. Think about how Saint feels. Just put yourself in his shoes. Would you let me do it?"

Gabe growled at her. "Over my dead body."

"Well, now you see."

Gabe shook his head. "I wouldn't let you because you have Rogues secrets. She'll be safe. We'll have someone on her at all times. I give you my word."

Lachlan just rubbed his jaw. "Look, on the one hand, I hear what you're saying, Saint. I hear why you don't want Kaya involved in anything like that. On the other hand, if it means long-term peace for her, I'd let her do it."
