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"No, you drunken fool, you still need to get married eventually, but now we can buy some time and the board can't oust you. All you have to do at the next meeting is announce that you will be splitting the voting shares with me and Trevor. Then run off and marry Kaya. Even with her dubious paternal history, they cannot remove you from your seat."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"As a heart attack. You can have Kaya if you still want her. But you’ll need to be married to someone sooner or later."

"Fucking hell, of course I only want Kaya, but she won't have me now."

"You don't know that, and most importantly, the board has no clue you are an absolute wankstain who dumped the love of his life."

"Did you find another way if I never get married? What happens then?"

Adrianna winced. "Well, then we could have a brawl. Because a Saint still needs to sit on the board, and dear old dad is trying to claw his way back. It's doubtful he’ll get the votes, but Trevor and I don't have them either. The board would prefer you, but it's tricky."

"So, what you're saying is if I can still convince Kaya to get married, I’d split the shares with you and I could retain my seat on the board?"

Adrianna grinned. "Exactly. You just have to convince Kaya."

I laughed. "I love you. And I love that you found a way out. There’s just one little problem with this perfect plan.”

"Okay, what's the problem?"

"I hurt her in a way that I cannot take back. I let her go, and now she’s gone forever."

My sister did something she had never done a day in her life. She hit me. Hard. On the arm. And then she proceeded to throw pens at me. Several of them. When she went for the stapler, Trevor waved his hand haphazardly as if he was going to stop her, and I had to duck out of the way.

Adrianna yelled, "Jasper Saint, if you fucking give up on getting Kaya back, I will kill you myself. You don't deserve her. Dad might as well take over the company because you're an absolute fool."

"We can't let him win,” I growled.

"What's that now? Let me win what?"

My fucking father, always lurking around like the leech that he was. He was hard to shake.

"What do you want, Dad?"

"I'm just checking in with my offspring. How is that delightful wife-to-be of yours?"

"Fuck off, Dad."

"Oh, trouble in paradise? Let me guess, she realized you're a complete tosser?"

I scowled at him. He wasn't wrong though. I was a tosser. I had fucked up royally. I had no idea how to get her back or if I even could have her back. But looking at my father's smug face, and knowing my siblings were counting on me, I lifted my chin. "Is there something you want?"

"Oh yes, I'm just letting you know I'm meeting with the board members. You know, dinner with old friends."

"You're not going to win this time. You are off the board, and you aren’t coming back.”

I could have everything that I wanted. Most of all I could have Kaya. I just had to find a way to get her back.I had to fight for her and our future. The problem was I had let her walk into danger. So now it was up to me to get her back safely.



I still couldn't believeit. Was I really going to do this?

Gabe's contact was getting me in to see the boogeyman, the person I had been avoiding my whole life. And now I was supposed to walk in there and act like Iwantedto be there? Bullshit.

No, not bullshit. Your life depends on it.
