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I kicked as hard as I could, trying to pull off the suffocating material.It was like a burlap, and I could barely breathe.

Oh God, why? Why was he doing this?

"Listen, if you just relax, it'll be easier. It won't be long now."

That was a lie. It felt like a lifetime. In reality, it was probably only thirty minutes to an hour. The roads felt less busy. Less stop and go. I didn't hear as many honking horns. Less jerking through traffic. We'd left the city.

Gabe had prepared me for this. So did Saff. When she dressed me, she'd been very particular about my clothing. Something that would be warm enough but wouldn't make me sweat. And they were determined not to put a bug on me. But when I was inside, I was to activate the tracking chip in my boot so they could come for me. And they had a maid on the inside. One who would make sure that there would be com devices left in my room. All that was very high tech. Saff had walked me through it again and again to make sure I understood what was needed.

She had tried to make me feel as if I wasn't going to be entirely alone. Except as hard as she tried to comfort me, Iwasalone. I one hundred percent was. Nobody was coming for me. Nobody was going to save me. I was going to have to save myself.

Saint will come for you.

I squashed that errant thought as soon as it bubbled up.

He'd made it clear his choice was his family. I couldn't even fault him for it. I had been the one that had fallen for all of it. The looks, the lovemaking, the way I thought he saw me. But if I had an opportunity to save my family, I would choose it too. All over again. If I could save my mother, make a choice that would help her by giving him up, I would.

Finally, the car stopped, and I waited for what seemed like forever before someone opened the door. And then someone stepped near me. His voice low, his tone educated, he said, "Tsk, tsk, Vatya. I told you, I didn't want her restrained."

"The black bag was a security measure. She can breathe just fine."

Someone untied my hands and then removed the black bag. I blinked rapidly, allowing my eyes to adjust. I stepped back when I recognized the man from the photos. But unlike the photos, the man standing in front of me was... handsome? His eyes were kind and his smile genuine.

"My dear, I am very, very happy to meet you."

I stared. This was him. The boogeyman. I knew what I'd been told. I'd seen the photos. I'd seen the carnage. Saff had told me what had happened to her parents. I knew what had happened to Saint's fiancée, but in this man’s presence, all I got was charm. He looked like a younger taller De Niro. I knew better than to trust my eyes, because my mother had been afraid of this man. But what if I was different? That little voice tried to pipe up.

What if something about you is special? What if you could get him to pay attention, to stop hurting people?

Even I wasn't that tough. This man's charm was a facade. That was the mask. I wasn't seeing the real him. He wantedsomething, and it was my job to figure it out fast and then signal for my team.

The trick was not to fall for any more lies.


Whatever I expected walking into Antonio Igno’s home, it sure as hell wasn’t this. Instead of the dungeon I expected him to toss me into when I arrived, I was given a beautiful room decorated in soft pinks and florals. Not really my style, but still, it was nice. And Igno had shown me to my room himself.

"I'm sorry, but I'm confused. You've been looking for me for years. You sent scary men to find me, and now I’m welcomed with open arms. I wasn’t expecting this wholeI'm just looking for my dear daughterroutine."

At the door to my room, he smiled. "I'm sorry. My men have been known to be overzealous at times. I didn't mean to alarm you."

"Well, alarm me, they did."

"I understand. And you should be cautious. After all, you are my daughter."

I glowered at him. "First of all, can you stop saying that? I don't know you from Adam yet. My mother was terrified of you, and I don’t have any evidence to act differently."

He pursed his lips as if hearing that irritated him. Well, it was the truth.

"Your mother and I had a… misunderstanding. I thought our relationship was based on love and trust, but she took off. Then I found out she’d been hiding with my only daughter."

"I'm not your only child though. I understand I have a brother."

"Yes, Massimo. He's excited to meet you."

Right, excited. Somehow, I'm not sure that's the right word.

"I know what you've been told,” he continued. “And it’s going to take a few days to get to know each other. That's all I want. I didn’t know you existed until recently. I’ve been looking for your mother for a very long time."
