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My eyes popped open. Yes, I remembered! Out of nowhere, I'd been knocked down by a massive man. I'd knocked my head on the ground, and then something heavy was on top of me and I couldn’t budge. "Oh God, is he okay?"

"Just fine, kid." Gabe was in a bed next to mine. And he, like me, was already trying to pull out his IVs. He growled, "I'm fine. I've taken a bullet before."

"You took a bullet for me."

"That I did."

"But why?"

Despite the nurses fussing over him, Gabe was undeterred. He pushed himself to sit up and then groaned, clutching his side. "It was through and through. Jesus, everyone fucking relax." But when his gaze settled on me, it was grave and heavy. "Because I gave you my word. I told you that I would protect you while you were inside. I gave Saint my word that nothing bad was going to happen to you. I had to keep it."

He rose to his feet and then tilted right over onto his ass.

The nurse had her arms folded and just stared down at him. "I tried to tell you. You've had some heavy-duty drugs. Stay in the fucking bed."

Gabe scowled up at her. "You drugged me?"

"With all due respect, sir, we all are aware of how you handled being injured last time. So, of course, I had no choice but to drug you."

He frowned up at her. "You're fired."

"Fine. You forgot last time, too. It always happens."

He grumbled as two orderlies came to help him up. I turned my attention back to Saint. "Was I drugged, too?"

"You've had a mild sedative, but still you shouldn't get up just yet. Anyway, I want you to know that I'm sorry. Kaya, I'm so, so bloody sorry. I should have never let you go in there alone."

It all came crashing back to me. Saint abandoning me, leaving me to my own devices, leaving me to Gabe. Although in the end, Gabe came through.

"What are you doing here Saint?"

"I fucked up, Kaya. I made the wrong choice, and that is eating me up inside. I should not have let you go. I had to come for you. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

He searched my gaze then. "I love you, Kaya, and I cocked everything up. I don't expect anything from you in return because I fucked up for real. But I had to know you're okay. And you need to know that I love you.”

Tears clouded my vision. "I don't think I will ever believe you again."

"I know." He nodded, scrubbing a hand over his face. "I know I don't deserve you. I just wanted you to know before I walk out of here today."He turned his attention to Gabe and said, "You and I, we're not done. We have some things to work out, but thank you for saving her life."

Gabe was already laying back in his bed. "Spare me the melodrama. We both need sleep."


Kaya wouldn’t even look at me. My heart squeezed and stuttered. She didn't want me there by her side. Every ounce of pain I was feeling now, her coldness, I deserved every moment. What had I expected?

You can't just tell her you love her. You need to show her.

Even if I did show her, she wouldn't believe me.

But love isn't for her. It's for you. The only way to become whole is by loving her. Make it happen.

And I would. I would give her everything. I turned my attention toGabe once more.

“Don't be stupid next time.”

Gabe just scowled with his eyes closed. "You're fired too."
