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Gemma chuckled in the corner.

I placed the box in front of Gabe, then placed the pouch of stones next to it. "Let's lose the diamonds."

He whistled low. "So that's what a hundred and fifty million looks like?"

I shrugged. "Give or take. I might have dropped a few along the way."

He smirked then. "Dropped a few?"

"You know, these things happen."

"Of course, they do." He winked. "Well, your mother was an agent. A damn good one too. I'd love to offer you the opportunity of formally training with us. See if being a Rogue is something you want to think about doing." He shrugged. "I know you're in school and probably want to finish. Lots to consider, but it never hurts to be trained anyway."

"That is accurate. I never want to feel helpless again. While my mother trained me in a lot of disciplines, I still have large gaps. I'd love to learn more."

He nodded. "Excellent. Saff and Tabatha will take care of most of that." His gaze softened then. "Just one more thing… There’s the matter of your mother."

"I don't know where she is, Gabe."

He smiled. "I know you don't. But I do."



Saffron swept my leg.I fought to hold on, bearing down on my core, but I couldn't because she was already spinning out of the way. And as my head turned to follow her movements, I went splat on my ass. Again.

There was no beating her. I had tried every which way from Sunday, and I couldn't. She was so damn fast. And to make matters worse, we weren't in the familiar area of the manor. We'd gone off site today near Primrose Hill. To the rest of the world, it looked like the lot of us were just doing a kind of a workout here in the open, and I had no idea what the catch was. So I was on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

From the sidelines, Saint called over. "You have to stay focused, Kaya. Pay attention to what's going on around you, to how she's moving, what she's doing. She's telegraphing her movements. You just need to pay attention to her."

"Don't you think I'm trying?"

From somewhere behind me, Tabatha was having a field day with Lachlan. Tabs was short like me. Curvier though. And she was running circles around Lachlan.

Jesus, she and Saff were like something out of a Wonder Woman manual.

Saffron tagged Saint in, and my fiancé strode toward me. "You don't have to do much, Kaya. Just stay on your feet and try to put me on my behind."

"I can use any tactic?"

He lifted a brow. "Sure. Anything except a groin strike. Why not?"

Lachlan laughed. "I say a groin strike is fair game."

Saint just shot him a withering look.

"All I have to do is put you on your behind?"


I checked first to make sure everyone else was engaged. Then as Saint approached, I did the easiest thing I could. I lifted my shirt. He stopped in his tracks. I was wearing his favorite sports bra that pushed my tits up under my chin. And then from there, it was easy to sweep his leg.

From the ground, he grumbled. "Not fair. You know that's not what I meant."

I grinned. "You said by any tactic was fair game."

Behind us, Lachlan and Saff and Tabatha were laughing their asses off. Saint looked less than pleased, but he took my hand when I offered him help to stand. "You, woman, are diabolical. You won't get by so easily next time."
