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"That social worker… It was as if somehow she’d been watching and knew how bad it was, because she didn't asked many questions. She told me to pack my things and get ready to move."

“I know,” Mum said. "The next family was better. They were kind. A lot of kids. I figured it would be easy for you to get lost and not have to think too hard, and maybe that's what you needed."

"You placed me with them?"

"Let's just say that over the years, I got to know Lydia andMichael well. I just wanted to make sure you were protected."

"Protected? I needed you, not a stranger."

"I know, but when you couldn't have me, Lydia was a good mother to you.”

I watched her, knowing that she’d considered the pain we both had to go through. She had paid attention to it. She'd done this purposely.

"You did all this to protect me?"

"Yeah, of course. My past caught up to me when I ran into Lohman on the street. And I had to make moves I hadn't intended on ever making.”

"And what about Rogues? Why didn’t you take me to them?"

She chaffed. "I know how they work all too well. You were a child that wasn't supposed to be, and they would have exploited you. And I couldn't possibly risk that."

"So you just let me think I was alone all this time?"

"You've never been alone. Once youhad Lydia and Michael, your foster siblings, and Gemma, I knew you’d be okay. I never did like that Andrew boy, but there was nothing I could do to make him walk away from you."

My eyes went wide. "You know my friends?"

She nodded slowly. "Only from a distance. She’s a good friend to you. I’ve always been watching sweetheart."

My mind was going to explode. All these things I never thought or considered.

"What about now? Are you coming back? Are you going to be a Raven again?"

She shook her head. "I can't. Igno is still out there, and he still has it in for me. If I'm captured, it's a little too dangerous for my team, and well, Igno will stop at nothing if he knows I'm alive. It’s for your safety if I stay away. But if you need me, I’m never far away."



Two Months Later…

I tried not to fidget. Not that I was at all nervous about my first ops assignment as team lead. I was fine. I could do this.It was a simple mission. Retrieve Nile Marks, an informant on the cartel, apply pressure on him to spill his guts, and then return him.

What I was concerned about was that Kaya was in the field. Well okay, technically notinthe field. She was running comms in the van, but she was with the field team and they were still in danger.

I knew Lock would have her though, and Rook too. I still wanted to glower at him every time he was near her. She was mine. She had always been mine. But maybe I’d needed Rook sniffing around her to see what was right in front of my face.

Over the comms, I heard Lock's voice. "All right, we are in position. Rook, go to position two. Raven, confirm comms."

When Kaya's voice came over loud and clear, I couldn’t help but smile to myself. "I hear you loud and clear, King. Heir, comms check?"

Saffron's voice was low since she was at the bar watching our target."Roger, loud and clear."

"All right, Heir, you're on."

"Perfect. Now sweetheart,” Saff said, “I don't want you to come over and break his nose, but I do want you to get a little jealous."

I smirked. "King, don't break anything."
