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My family had tried suggesting that maybe it was time for me to move on. But I couldn’t. Antonio Igno had taken something from me. I would not stop until I took everything from him.

I was going to start with questioning Lohman. The only way this interview was going to stop would be with me getting answers or him losing consciousness. The good thing aboutpeople passing out during interrogations was that you could always find fun ways to revive them.

Getting a bit dark there so soon? Don't lose yourself, mate.

I promptly shut down that automatic inclination toward decency. The part Elise had always said she loved about me.

Elise said a lot of things. Many of them not true. Like she loved me. Like I was her everything. Like she would wait for me to get back.

Maybe so, but her death and the circumstances surrounding it had changed me. Sure, I knew how to put on the show of being Jasper Saint. Matter of fact, it was easy. I was good at manufacturing the façade, and no one had seen through it for years. No one had seen the hollowness. Everyone just assumed I was getting over it, moving forward. But I wasn't.

Are you sure Elise was the only thing on your mind when you kissed that woman tonight?

My brain conjured up images of Kaya. Her flawless, brown skin, the way her soft curls swept forward and framed her face. The flashing fire in her eyes. The feel of her tongue against my lips.

It made me wonder if the rest of her body was soft like her lips, begging for a taste from my tongue.

I could still feel them beneath mine. The soft texture of her curls in my hands as I gave them a soft tug. The shocked gasp she made at the back of her throat before she opened to me automatically.

One fucking kiss.

I met a woman at a charity auction, and now I was having visions of her. What kind of crazy thing did they put in our drinks for me to be feeling like this? I needed to regroup and figure out the next steps for Lohman, not focus on her damn pouty mouth.

Connor's men had been chasing us. Correction, they had been chasingherwithout any knowledge of who I was. So just who the fuck was she? What kind of trouble was she in for them to hunt her? She'd seemed hell bent and determined to catch up with Lohman after the auction. The question was, what the fuck did she want with him?

Are you sure that’s the question? Not what would she sound like moaning your name?

My cock started to twitch, and I scowled down at my body.

Shut it down, asshole, we don’t have time for that shit.

Damn thing jolted again as if in mutiny.

Sure, she was beautiful. Stunning really. Whether it was her perfume or hair products, the smell of hibiscus had taken over my brain. I swear I could smell it even as we drove back in the truck with Connor to the compound.

I scrubbed a hand over my face and tried to shake the memory of her in my arms. I did not have fucking time for this. Nor did I want this overwhelming feeling of longing that kissing Kaya brought to my mind. I still hadn't figured out my shit with Elise being gone, and I knew better than to think about someone else who couldn’t rely on me right now. Anyone who got close to me, actually really close to me, ended up dead. So yeah, Kaya whatever-the-fuck-her-last-name-was should steer far away from Jasper Saint. Despite my fervent last thought, the odd mixture of grief and desire was still weighing heavily on my chest.

Still irritated at myself, I stepped off the elevator to find my mates standing on the other side, arms crossed. Lachlan smirked as he studied me up and down. “Just so you all know, while the rest of us were fighting with Connor’s men, this one was snogging some bird.”

Westin chuckled. “Well, isn’t that a fine how do you do? I didn't even get a chance to meet anyone to kiss, let alone seeSaint’s new woman. I was busy getting this.” He pointed at his left eye. I could see the shadow of a bruise there. “One of Connor’s men tried to get the drop on me. I'll have you know it was a close fight. No one even offered to kissed me afterward.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don't you wankers have something better to do than take the piss? We were chased after by those fuckers, too. And now I have an interrogation to get on with.”

Lachlan stepped up and patted my shoulder, saying, “Sorry, mate. We’re up first because we did the real work today. You, on the other hand, are the sorry bastard who gets to go see Gabe. He wants a word.”

I lifted my brows in shock. “There's no fucking way he would let you idiots talk to Connor. That arsehole is mine to break.”

The team just shrugged at me and started to walk away, leaving Lachlan behind.

“We just work here. Why don't you go see Gabe? Tell him all about the beautiful woman you were wrapped around after the auction. I'm sure he's very curious.” And then he stroked at his stubbled jaw as if giving it a second thought. “Come to think of it, Saffron was saying that he hasn't ventured out on a date in a while. Maybe you shouldn’t lead with the chase. Start by regaling him with stories of the gorgeous woman you were snogging. Probably the most action he's had in a year. Make a big point out of that to him, too. I’m sure he'll appreciate it!”

“Wanker,” I grumbled at him under my breath. I knew they were just giving me shit, but still, this was over the top.

Lachlan chuckled. “What? I'm just saying. Maybe you guys can bond over your utter lack of game?”

I opted to try and ignore his prattling. “No one is talking to Lohman without me.”

Rook happily chimed in from down the hall. “Don’t be jealous, love.”
