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“I came after you myself because I got a security alert. Also, I'm not currently in possession of goons, let alone a squad of them. Why don't you tell me what's really going on here? Who are you?”

“I already told you. My name is Kaya.”

“Right. Why are men chasing you?”

“You tell me why! All I wanted to do was have a conversation with Connor last night. Instead, you stopped that from happening and men started chasing me. Now I’m not safe to go back home or school or anywhere.”

I gritted my teeth. “So what made you break into my office?”

“Well, I can't get to Connor. You're protecting him. So you are the next best thing.”

“What were you going to do in the server room?”

She licked her lips and glowered at a spot just over my shoulder.

I took her chin between my forefinger and thumb, gently but with enough pressure to force her head to align to mine.

“Okay, Sprite. You either talk to me, or you talk to the police. It's up to you. I can have my security guys take you to the station. Take your pick.”

“I'm not talking to you.”

“That’s a very poor choice as clearly you’re in some kind of trouble.”

“Because of you.”

“I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, love, but I don’t know your friend Connor. I’m sorry he is such a hardman to find for someone who clearly needs to talk with him. As for people chasing you, that’s an actual fucking problem.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.”

I could see her fear even though she was trying to play it tough. She was scared. It showed in her eyes. They were a little too alert, a little too wide. Way too assessing with her gaze rapidly staring back and forth between me and our surroundings.

From my peripheral vision, I could see the slow headlights of a car coming our way again and deliberately shifted her further into the shadows. I frowned as I watched them approach. This wasn’t one of our security cars. This was a nondescript, dark sedan with two men in the front.

I glowered down at her. “Friends of yours, I assume?”

“No. I’m leaving.”

“Not without—" I didn’t get themepart out as bullets ricocheted off the concrete wall to my left.

Tires squealed to a stop as I grabbed her wrist and took off between two parked cars. As we crouched down to hide, I turned to her. “We’ve got to get to the lower level and get out of here.”

“I was trying to do that when you stopped me, arsehole!”

I pulled on her wrist again and moved down the aisle of cars just as the two goons stepped out of their vehicle and start looking around.

“Look, Kaya, we’ve got to move toward that outer door. There’s a small set of fire stairs that leads to the street level. On the count of three, run to it and go to the right at the bottom of the steps. There’s a coffee shop with a side door we can hide in.”

“I’m not hiding anywhere with you—” She sucked in a breath of shock when a shot rang off the column next to us. “I’m running! I’m running!” she shouted and took off toward the door.

“Who are these guys?” I shouted to Kaya.

“I don’t know! I thought they were with you!”

With the car almost on my heels, she flung open the exit door. The metal of the door deflected another shot. We were either really lucky or those lads really needed weapons training.

“To the right!” I shouted as she jumped the rail again, escaping to the pavement. Just as I hit the concrete, the screech of tires told me we were out of time.

Exiting the ramp, the goons turned to the left away from us, but they were going too fast, jumping onto the curb and hitting a parked car in the process.
