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“You said Kaya? That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

“You need something,Westin?” Saint’s voice was all growl and gravel.

Westin grinned at me again. “Just letting you know I was on duty and would handle any security you need from now until you return this evening.”

“Goodbye, Rook,” Saint muttered and slammed the door.

“He seemed…nice.” I murmured.

“You don’t go near him with a ten foot pole, you hear me?”



Rogues agents had already beenover Kaya’s flat, but I had to see the wreckage for myself. I'd called it in as soon as I found Kaya some clothes to change into. The question of how they found her was next on the list of unknowns. Last night potentially made sense. Lohman recognized her and sent heavy hitters in to grab her. But today, this morning, didn't make any logical sense. Was she being tracked? Who knew where she was? And what did they want?

You would know for yourself if you were the one protecting her from the start.

I’d somehow thought after our harrowing adventure, I’d be assigned to Kaya.

But you refused, you twat.

And now bloody Westin was there. And every cell in my body hated the idea. Rook was a decent fighter, but we didn’t need him.

He was also stupid attractive, and she seemed to like it. Yeah, fine, it made my chest tight to think about him being the one to guard her. But I had bigger fish to fry because when I was done here, I planned to talk to Lohman again. The important thing was we had the bastard, and now it was just a matter of gettinganswers out of him. Then using that intel to capture Antonio Igno.

Kaya was only a distraction to the mission.

The sooner I could get her situated, the better off we all would be in getting the case closed. The problem was how long we could keep her sitting tight and complying with orders.

She had a life. Things she wanted to do. Things I was sure she needed to get back to.

You heard the girl, she can't go back to her life.

Why did that sound so ominous? I'd already had Maureen order some clothes for her as all she had in the backpack were a few changes of clothes and her laptop, which I'd had my men clone. So far, they'd found nothing on that or her phone. I picked up some items I thought she could use, and then I stopped at the Italian place four blocks from the office on the South Bank. It was a hole-in-the-wall place that a guy named Luigi Franco had owned for years. My father started taking me there when I was a kid, and I figured she was hungry.

So much for the woman being a thorn in your side.

Fine. She was a thorn, but she still needed to eat.

Security at the front desk give me an odd look when I entered carrying all the bags. “How’s it Nigel? Anyone go up to see her?”

He shook his head. “When the packages came in that Maureen sent over, she came down and got them herself. Hasn't left since.”


In the elevator, I shifted from foot to foot nervously. I could feel the tightness coiling in my chest. It wasn't until she finally released the lock and I saw her smiling face that some of that tightness uncoiled. She was okay. “Hey.”

She smiled up at me. “Hey yourself.”

I held up the bag of food. “I brought you something to eat.”

She looked bemused and then stepped aside to let me in. “Thank you, but Westin already got me food when he stopped to check on me.”

The fuck? “Well, that wasniceof him,” I said through clenched teeth.

Her smile was bright. “Yeah, he's lovely.”
