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Because this was all over. I was going to end up inside Kaya Reynolds.

She was already inside my heart I’d thought was made of stone.


“Saint has a brother right? Because a girl could get used to this view, Kaya.”

I laughed. "He does. Trevor. You met him at the engagement announcement. And as for the view, it's nice. But remember, Gemma, it's not mine and none of this is real."

She merely lifted her brows and gave me a smirk. I knew despite what I told her and my protests, she very much thought that Saint and I were going to be a thing. “Trevor. Right. But that man is a good time fornow. You can see it in his smile.”

"You’re right I think. But this will never be my life."

"Never say never. Besides, you're having sex dreams about him."

I smacked her arm. "Gemma! No, I'm not." I glanced around quickly, wondering if there were listening devices in here. “Shut up, What if the walls have ears?”

“Ooh, kinky.”


"Fine, but let’s talk about the sexy stuff. He's hot. You're smokin’ hot. What's the problem with a little one-on-one time? You are about to marry the bloke."

"It's a little awkward. I nearly got him killed and everything is complicated."

"No honey, my darling girl,youare making things complicated.I mean, you know he's thinking about it. Where did he back you up to ravish you? I want to visualize properly."

I dropped my head into my hands and plopped down to the floor next to the couch where I'd laid out Mum’s paperwork I'd dug up. "Right there, by the door."

Gemma glanced over then gave me a wicked grin. "Was it hot as hell like in the movies?"

Heat suffused my face, and I was glad, thanks to my brown skin, she wouldn't really be able to tell. "That’s not the point. We aren’t talking about hot or not hot. We need to be going over these papers."

"How long do we have before your hottie comes back?"

I snorted a laugh. "Oh, do you mean Saint or Westin?"

“How is it that it takes attempted maiming for your love life to pick up?”

All I could do was laugh, because she wasn't wrong. How in the hell did my life have two hot guys in it when before all I had was Andrew following me like a puppy? Saint was built like a Roman statue and I’m pretty sure the chisel marks were visible if you removed his shirt.

Westin was handsome. Okay, fine, he was beautiful. That devil-may-care smile was the kind of thing that probably melted panties from here to Cornwall.

"I mean, when I say well fit, it doesn't even begin to cover it,” Gemma continued. “Saint is beyond fit. And beautiful doesn't even begin to cover it for Westin. Let me know when you let Westin off the hook, I’d like to mend his broken heart."

“You are horrible! Why did I bring you over here?”

Gemma joined me on the floor, sitting cross legged, and she picked up a file. "If you're not going to shag the billionaire,which," she glanced around, "you totally should, because who has ever backed you into a wall and wanted to bang you? He wants to work on a contract that covers sex, Kaya! If I don't know anything else, I know that's fucking hot. If you're not going to shag him, fine, I won't make you. But at least give up Westin because I'm using that man's arse in my wank bank."

I laughed and threw my head back, realizing that for the first time in over two weeks, I was actually relaxed and having fun. If I closed my eyes and didn't look too closely, I could almost pretend everything was okay. I could pretend that this was normal, that we were just having a girl's day, that no one was chasing me.

But I knew somewhere behind the laughter was constant danger. I shoved it down though. My best mate was here. Today I didn't have to worry about anything, and tomorrow would come soon enough. I didn't need to invite trouble; it had already found me.

"Here, you take this pile and see what you can find."

Gemma nodded, grabbed her hair and tucked it up into a pile on the nape of her neck with a pen. "I'm on it. I still think it's really cute how he went to see your foster mum with you."

"That's not exactly how it was meant to go."
