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"Good weekend?"

"Yeah, how about you?"

He stared at me, as if he was waiting for something.

He knows.

But how could he know? How? We’d slipped out and back in through the backdoor of Gemma’s place. It wasn't really a backdoor even. She and her flat mate found a connector with another flat that had a side door to street parking on the other side of the building. They barely used it. As far as other people were concerned, we'd been in her flat the whole time. If Saint knew I had taken off to Croatia, he didn't say anything. "Everything okay?” I asked. “You seem tense."

"Do I now? I wonder why that is? Did you and Gemma get up to anything special over the weekend?"

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh holy fuck. He knows.

I would not panic. No way could he know, right? "Yeah, you know, just hanging out with Gems." That wasn't a lie.

"Right. Nothing special at all."

"No. But I'm glad you're here. I did want to talk to you about the plan. How long is this whole engagement thing? Adrianna suggestedthe wildest thing to me the other day when she came by to talk about this wedding. I know she's your sister and she's excited, but you haven't even spoken to me about any of this. So we should probably do that, shouldn’t we?"

The muscle in his jaw ticked, and he gave me a terse nod. "Yeah, we will. Just not tonight. You should probably get some rest."

He turned and strutted away. And as I watched him stalk, all muscle and sinew and looking like a caged jungle animal, Iadmired the view. But I also had the sinking suspicion that he knew I was keeping secrets.



We were playinga game of pretend.

Kaya was busy pretending she hadn't just taken off over the weekend without telling me where she was going, and I was pretending I hadn't gone after her like a lovesick fool.

Just thinking about those harrowing hours made my stomach turn. Not knowing where she was had my mind hooked on a constant nightmare I couldn't shake. What if I had failed to protect her? What if something had happened to her? What if I never told her what I had started to feel?

Nope. That last one wasn't anything I was going to focus on.

After we got rid of her tail, we found her and Gemma at their hotel outside the Zagreb Airport. And wouldn't you know it, no sooner than dropping off the car at the adjacent rental company, they jumped on a fucking plane to go home.

For the last day, she'd been acting completely normal. As if she hadn't just left the country, scared me half to death, and gone on some goose chase for something she hadn't communicated with me. I'd ask if she'd had a good time,and she'd smiled at me glumly and nodded.

And now, she was at home pouring over those papers of her mum’s. She was wearing some kind of charm around her neck. Itlooked like it was a couple of inches long and wooden. She kept running her fingers along the edges as if chasing over something.

"Is that new?"

She frowned up at me. "I'm sorry, what?"

"That charm you're wearing, is it new?"

"Yeah, um, I just picked it up recently."

"Oh yeah? That's interesting. Where?"

She blinked at me once, then twice, then cocked her head. "Nowhere special. I'm sorry I've been distracted. I know that you wanted to meet and go over our contract again."

Her lips just mouthing the wordcontracthad everything in my gut going tight like a stone just dropped in it. Oh yes, I wanted to talk about the contract. But she was keeping things from me, and there was no way I’d discuss that with her until she confessed. I was not about to have a relationship with a liar again.

But isn’t that what you are doing to her?

With a shake of my head to clear out that lousy thought, I joined Kaya on the floor. "Yeah, I don't think we should talk about that right now."
