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I shook my head at him. "You're missing the point. As a team, we should always feel that you have our back. I don't always feel like that with you."

Gabe nodded. "I will always do what is in your best interest. It might not necessarily be what you want or what you think is right, but itisin your best interest, always."

I scowled at him. "Whatever. Can I go in? Or do you have some other pressing mission for me?"

Gabe sighed and stepped aside. "He's all yours."

Lohman scowled at me when he saw me walk through the door. "Oh, is that you gloating?"

I grinned. "A little bit, yeah."

"Fuck off, you tosser."

"What do you want with Kaya Reynolds?"

Even though he was handcuffed, he easily flipped me off.

"All right, maybe I'll make this question easier. Why are you trying to kill her?"

He laughed. "Kill her? We've been bloody trying to take her, mate. Do you understand how much she's worth?"

"What does Antonio want her for?"

He just laughed. "Oh, for fuck's sake, how are you lot so dumb? Don't you get it? I already tried to help you once. I told you, you didn't even know what you have. Think about it. How did someone like me get to be someone like this? And without the old man knowing. I was always smart, but I had real shit luck. Old man Igno liked to use me." He rolled his eyes. "But he never gave me my due. He never gave me a shot. So I found my own opportunities."

"What does that mean?"

Connor laughed. "My God, fucking hell. It's Dove. She took something from him. And well, I took it from her."

"How do you know Dove? What did she take from him?"

"Your Kaya, your special little love, the one you'll do anything to protect. She's the spitting image of her mother. There's no hiding her. Igno is coming for her. And he wants the same thing that he's always wanted."

"What’s that?"

He laughed. "Revenge."

"Revenge for what?"

He sat back. "I get the impression I'm doing your job for you."

"Well, the thing is you weren't very good at staying captive, but Gabe's nice, you see. Offering you someplace to hide your family. I would never have done the same."

"Fine. Fuck. Whatever. The girl’s mother. Antonio didn't know at first that she was a spy. And sure, he was into her. But what everyone seems to forget is that he isn't sentimental. She was more of a possession than anything else. She was his architect. He hired her for this fucking building in Italy that was supposed to be his crowning achievement.

“Anyway, he had a big deal going. A hundred million dollars’ worth of arms. He had me cooking books. He knew I was smart. He also liked that I was good with my hands, but he was never going to let me get anywhere or advance in the organization."

"We know this. Get to the important part."

He sighed. "All right. About five years back, I was still working my way up. Igno could see I didn't want to be small time, but he kept telling me to wait my turn. To learn, to watch him. So I did. I listened. Then this bird shows up. Beautiful, the most stunning eyes you have ever seen. A mouth that looked like it was made for sucking cock. Igno was obsessed with her, but she was all business, which only made him want her more. The more she resisted the more he wanted her. Whatever she was doing worked, because he gave her unprecedented access.

“He took her at her every word. She started advising him more so than any of us. But Antonio was still Antonio, and he doesn't really trust anyone. He never let her have any kind offullaccess. She also knew that I was looking for a way to shake off the old man. I wanted my freedom, see? She came to me to make me a deal. Told me all the things she knew I would want to hear, and I believed her. And then one day she says that we're both getting out from under his thumb. She's got agreatplan to take something very valuable from him."

I sat down on the table across from him and leaned in. "Go on. What the fuck were you taking Connor?"

Connor laughed. "Diamonds."

I blinked rapidly. "What?"
