Page 120 of Hopelessly Wild

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Dad strides over to Samuel. “I’m Winston Monteford. Glad you finally found your way here.”

Samuel unravels his arm from my waist and takes my father’s hand to shake. “Samuel McMahon, and it’s good to finally meet you.”

Samuel turns to Ethan with his hand outstretched.

Ethan’s gaze flicks to mine, and I smile through happy tears. He gives the slightest nod, and I take it as an understanding between us. “Ethan. I’m a friend of Eden’s.”

Thankfully, I can’t see Samuel’s face.

From my position, there’s a quick handshake before the men step apart.

Samuel turns to my father. “Sir, I’m exhausted after flying over twenty hours to get here. Do you mind if I whisk my fiancée away for a couple of hours before I fall asleep?”

Dad’s eyes widen, and then he clears his throat. “Certainly.”

I’m tucked under Samuel’s arm. He guides me to the door, where Mum has a permanent smile etched into her expression like she’s the joker. She pulls open the door.

“Ready to face the storm?” Samuel asks.

In here or outside, I don’t care because right now, my body is warmed as though it’s the middle of summer.

“Yes. Always yes, as long as it’s with you.”

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