Page 16 of Ever

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His opinion mattered to me. Always had, always would.

“A great idea. You’ll feel a lot better, I bet.”

“I think so, too. After my manicure, I went over. It was the motivation I needed.”

“Glad you did that, then.”

“I feel so close to whoever it is this situation forced me to become. I’m not avoiding her anymore. I’m ready.”

“That makes me a very happy man, Ever, hearing that.”

He stopped what he was doing to look over at me.I love this man so much. Every part of me. Every single piece of me. I love him so much it hurts. My God. He’s mine.

“Why you looking at a nigga like that? What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing. Just that I’m a blessed woman to have you by my side. With you, I feel like nothing is impossible, even my reset. Laying in that bed all those weeks, it was you that kept me going. Being unwell and seeing you handle everything so graciously and so well, that altered me. After so long, I knew I had to get back to you so that I could relieve you.”

“I didn’t need relief, baby. I just needed you. Now that you’re making strides, I’ll still carry as much of the load I need to until you’re all better.”

“Thanks, baby. What are we having for dinner?”

“They begged for pasta, again. So, we’re having that and salad. I made some garlic bread and salmon, too. I’m afraid I’ll turn into a noodle if I eat any more pasta alone.”

His lips turned up as he scoffed, shaking his head. When it came down to the kids, he was willing to suffer for their satisfaction.

“How can I help?”

“Help me get the plates fixed and to the table.”

“Say no more.”

I stepped up to the sink and twisted the handles on the faucet. This was it. This was exactly what I needed to end the day. Time with my husband and the children we shared. Nothing more mattered. Nothing else ever had.

The end.

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