Page 26 of Tripwire

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I’d kill him all over again if I could. Just for laying a hand on my siren. I looked over and watched as the EMTs wheeled Eric’s body away on a gurney.


The cop cut her off. “Trip?”

She cleared her throat and started again. “Clay came out of nowhere and dove in to try to help Eric. They were both sinking down because Eric hadn’t taken off his weight belt.”

“Clayton Sorenson?” The officer verified, jotting something down inside his notepad.

“That’s right,” she told him. She continued on, answering the numerous questions.

I glanced over as Drew walked up. “How’d it go?”

“He stuck to the story,” he told me in a low voice. We didn’t need the cops overhearing.

“Good. Do me a favor and have Rat pay him. I’ll pay Rat back as soon as we get out of here.”

“On it,” Drew said, stepping away to call Rat.

I glanced over my shoulder at him. “Let Cade know that it’s finished.

* * *

The door clicked shutbehind us and I dragged Marina into my arms. We were finally back in the clubhouse. All the questions and suspicions were laid to rest. The detective had deemed it an accidental drowning.

“His family could still come after me and the dive shop in a civil lawsuit,” Marina said, her voice muffled against my chest.

“They won’t.”

“How do you know?” She pulled back and her eyes narrowed. “Who was he? Why did he try to kill me?”

“Tell me what really happened,” I urged her. Listening to her recount Eric attempting to drown her made me wish I’d had a knife on me under the water. That would have been a lot harder to explain however, so it was better this way.

I took her hand and brought her over to my bed. The need to lose myself in her body, to touch every inch of her so I knew she was alive and well was strong, but she needed an explanation.

We sat and I swiped my thumb over her soft skin as I spoke. It was time to lay everything on the table. I fucking hated being vulnerable, but Marina was worth it. If she heard what I had to say and ran, so be it. At least I fucking put it all out there.

“I’m in a one percent club,” I told her. Her eyebrows drew down in confusion, but she stayed quiet. I sighed. “Basically, that means I’m a criminal, Siren.” Still no reaction from her. I went on to explain everything that had happened in Austin and how Eric had helped in trying to destroy our club. How he’d worked with a corrupt police chief to try to send us all to prison. How he’d almost gotten one of my brothers killed.

“Cade, my president, sent Drew and I out here to find and take Eric out.”

“Take him out-”

“Kill him,” I told her point blank. She needed to know the man I was because I’d never leave this lifestyle. Maybe I’d eventually settle down with a chapter of my club that weren’t one percenters, but for now, Drew and I planned on continuing on as we were. We might stay Nomad, or we might stick around here with the San Francisco Chapter, but we weren’t ever leaving the club.

“I want you to be my old lady.”


I chuckled. She had a lot to learn about MC life. “My old lady. It’s basically my girlfriend…until you become my wife.”

She shook her head as she tried to let everything I was telling her sink in. “You want me to be your girlfriend? …your wife?”

“Girlfriend for now,” I told her with a grin. Leaning forward, I brushed my lips over her. “Do you want to be my wife one day?” I searched her eyes for the truth as I asked, “Could you love a man like me?”

“I already do,” she whispered. “I’ve loved you since I pulled you out of the ocean, I think.”

One corner of my mouth kicked up as my hand grasped the back of her neck. “I fell in love with you when I watched you devour that fish taco.” She smacked me in the chest and I laughed. “I love a woman who can eat.”

She shoved me with both hands this time, rocking me back. I caught her wrists in my hands and gave her a serious look. “I love you Marina. Be mine.”

“I am,” she said and then leaned forward so our lips could meet.

I pulled her onto my lap, kissing her deeply. There were a lot of things we’d have to figure out, but we’d do it together. Nothing was going to keep us apart for long. I’d make sure of it. I didn’t want to live another day without my Siren by my side. Sometime in the future we’d get married. She’d give me babies. And we’d watch the sun set over her beloved ocean every night for the rest of our lives.

* * *

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