Page 82 of The Poisoner's Ring

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I should leave it at that, but this case involves Annis and so it involves Sarah, and therefore I must fully understand the situation. Or that makes an excellent excuse for what I am about to ask.

“There was a history there?” I say.

She looks up in surprise. “History?”

“Between Dr. Gray and Sarah? His reaction suggested as much.”

I wait for her to laugh it off and tell me I am overdetecting. Instead, a look passes over her face, one of clear discomfort, and she shakes her head.

“There was some unpleasantness, which I am certain he would prefer to forget.”

“Let me guess. He would have been in his midteens when he last saw her, and she’s very pretty. An infatuation? He said or did something he’s embarrassed by now? Or was it more than an unrequited attraction?”

Isla’s lips press together in obvious annoyance.

“I’m overstepping,” I say. “Sorry.”

“No, it is not you. It is my sister, as usual. I do not know whether Duncan had an infatuation. I do not think so—he gave no sign of it—but I would not presume to know his mind on such matters, and Sarah was pretty and kind. The situation occurred when he was twelve or thirteen. Annis accused him of spying on Sarah while she was dressing.”


“He did not. Yes, I realize boys of such an age may do such a thing. They are curious, and they may not consider how disrespectful it is. That isn’t my brother, which only made matters worse, because he was horrified and humiliated. Our father insisted he apologize or be punished.”

“What did he do?” I ask as I get out a new pouch.

“He apologized for accidentally stumbling on a scene he ought not to have witnessed.”

I set down the pouch. “So he accidentally saw Sarah dressing?”

“I do not know what he saw, only that he avoided both Sarah and Annis until the furor died down, and even then, he was cautious around them.”

“Aroundthem.Not just Sarah.”

“It was Annis who was angry. Sarah said it was a mistake and tried to downplay the matter, but Annis would not let her.”

I consider that as I flip through the new file pouch. When I’m done, I say, “Exactly how close were Annis and Sarah?”

“Very close,” Isla says as she skims through the contents of a pouch. “Mother often joked that she had three daughters. Annis met Sarah at school, and they became inseparable.”

“And Dr. Gray ‘accidentally stumbled on a scene he ought not to have witnessed.’ That was his phrasing.”

“As close to it as I recall.”

I open my mouth to ask more. Then I shut it. This is a question for Gray, and I’ll ask it as soon as I can, because it could have a bearing on the case, if my suspicion is correct.

We continue reading through the client files. I’m making a list of client names along with the case type. I’m also skimming for any mention of Leslie.

“Mr. Ware certainly had a wide breadth of specialities,” Isla says. “I have set aside papers from several clients that are members of the gentry, in case they are associates of my brother-in-law. I shall have to make a list, as I do not know many of his circle.”

“The Leslies didn’t socialize with your side of the family.”

Her mouth tightens again. “My sister scaled the social ladder and would prefer not to be reminded of the climb.”

“How did she hook up with Leslie?”

“Byhook,I presume you meanensnare.”
